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mrRo - back at it again telling players he hope they get cancer and others to shut the f*&k up. "mrRo: get cancer red mrRo: u pathetic asshole mrRo: learn to play with skill" "mrRo: OMFG mrRo: fuck my luckl mrRo: pathetic noobs witgh luck only mrRo: SURE PJ123: there you go mrRo: 100% xvsx ost mrRo: stfu" There were more. He has been banned twice before for the exact same thing.
PJ123 on Thursday April 18, 2013
although bivo is really funny, he harrassed me whole game, accusing me of pga, saying he will fuck my sistr and mother and i should create a new account (for some reason)
Ing.a on Sunday April 14, 2013
please ban the player bivo. he accused me of pga, cause i played a silent truce - which i explained later - and left me a wrong review. he also ruined my following games by telling everyone i was pga.
HeavyMetalManiac on Monday April 8, 2013
stabbed me
DIPseq on Sunday April 7, 2013
please ban bivo. horrible language and review for nothing.
mrchips1 on Thursday March 28, 2013
Please review JimmyNokNok and ban him from chat or reviews
O_SO_SMOOTH on Wednesday March 27, 2013
Wondering how to get my chat function restored. How long is the sentence? Seen a guy who has been chat banned 2 weeks. Don't understand how long I'm out for.
cadpilot on Monday March 4, 2013
Please evaluate player bivo. Horrible chat language and left a nasty review on my page for no good reason. Player has clearly done this to many palyers. "fuuck you sistr and beybi moron trucer big idiot trucer dont respect flag!" bivo on Monday February 4, 2013
mamabear97 on Sunday February 17, 2013
can you make my chat available again ? and avatar if it's possible. thanks
Little Bastard on Thursday February 7, 2013
CAn you please discipline Dabee and miguelz262? Big time PGA'ers and very abusive in chat...yet again in Dabee's case, also his avatar is offensive.
pauliepirate on Sunday January 27, 2013
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
Online Pictionary