The World Doesn't Want To Be Fixed
Marsyas's turn
caesar-blue defeated 7v6, 28 to 20, (6,3,3,2,4,5,5 to 1,6,1,3,6,3)
caesar-blue defeated 6v5, 24 to 21, (6,2,2,5,5,4 to 2,3,5,6,5)
caesar-blue defeated 5v1, 20 to 4, (5,1,3,6,5 to 4)
ohad1212 defeated 4v4, 17 to 15, (4,5,4,4 to 4,4,5,2)
ohad1212 defeated 4v1, 13 to 6, (4,4,3,2 to 6)
ohad1212 defeated 3v2, 8 to 7, (5,2,1 to 3,4)
ohad1212 defeated 3v3, 11 to 9, (2,6,3 to 1,2,6)
ohad1212 defeated 2v2, 9 to 8, (5,4 to 6,2)
ohad1212 defended 2v1, 5 to 6, (2,3 to 6)
+14 dice
caesar-blue's turn
caesar-blue sits out
+1 dice
ohad1212's turn
+1 dice
Marsyas's turn
ohad1212 defended 2v2, 7 to 10, (2,5 to 5,5)
ohad1212 defeated 4v2, 14 to 10, (1,4,5,4 to 4,6)
(-832 for 6th and -64 for dominance)
Rank: 4th Score: -896 to 45956◆.
ohad1212 finishes 6th in round 6
ohad1212 stands up
caesar-blue defeated 2v3, 9 to 8, (5,4 to 4,1,3)
(-327 for 5th and -198 for dominance)
Rank: 362nd Score: -525 to 2849◆.
caesar-blue finishes 5th in round 6
gregor_samsa's turn
polyhedron defended 5v1, 6 to 6, (2,1,1,1,1 to 6)
fcuku's turn
Marsyas defeated 5v8, 18 to 16, (4,6,4,3,1 to 1,3,3,4,2,1,1,1)
Marsyas's turn
allendarcy defeated 7v1, 28 to 5, (3,6,2,4,5,6,2 to 5)
BUCKDAWG defeated 6v7, 22 to 21, (2,4,1,4,6,5 to 6,5,2,2,3,1,2)
BUCKDAWG defeated 5v3, 18 to 16, (5,5,1,3,4 to 4,6,6)
BUCKDAWG defeated 4v2, 13 to 10, (1,6,4,2 to 4,6)
Rowdyazell defeated 3v1, 9 to 6, (3,1,5 to 6)
rotrian defeated 2v3, 11 to 9, (6,5 to 4,1,4)
(-207 for 6th and -135 for dominance)
Rank: 662nd Score: -342 to 1077◆.
rotrian finishes 6th in round 4
rotrian stands up
+7 dice
zaxxon's turn
BUCKDAWG defeated 4v2, 11 to 6, (1,2,3,5 to 4,2)
(-77 for 5th and +19 for dominance)
Rank: 186th Score: -58 to 3456◆.
BUCKDAWG finishes 5th in round 4
KRK23's turn
Marsyas defended 7v3, 18 to 18, (2,3,1,3,2,1,6 to 6,6,6)
Marsyas's turn
meatyjeff defeated 5v2, 18 to 5, (4,3,2,3,6 to 2,3)
meatyjeff defeated 4v1, 16 to 5, (3,6,5,2 to 5)
meatyjeff defeated 5v4, 19 to 14, (2,2,6,3,6 to 3,5,3,3)
meatyjeff defeated 4v1, 13 to 3, (4,1,2,6 to 3)
meatyjeff defeated 3v2, 13 to 4, (5,6,2 to 2,2)
meatyjeff defeated 7v4, 26 to 21, (5,3,5,5,3,2,3 to 5,6,4,6)
meatyjeff defeated 2v3, 12 to 10, (6,6 to 3,2,5)
meatyjeff defeated 6v7, 18 to 16, (1,6,4,1,2,4 to 3,4,1,2,2,1,3)
meatyjeff defeated 5v3, 15 to 10, (2,5,4,2,2 to 4,4,2)
(-10 for 5th and +0 for dominance)
Rank: 4504th Score: -10 to 48◆.
meatyjeff finishes 5th in round 5
I will keep it, love it too, thank you. :-) I actually stole it from a friend of mine who uses it iin a forum and he doesnt remember where he found it.
greekboi's turn
Marsyas defeated 5v6, 26 to 22, (6,6,2,6,6 to 3,6,3,1,6,3)
(-100 for 7th and +0 for dominance)
Rank: 509th Score: -100 to 20◆.
Marsyas finishes 7th in round 4
look-ic's turn
Marsyas defended 6v2, 8 to 9, (1,1,1,1,3,1 to 5,4)
look-ic sits out
+3 dice
congratulations top 15 :o