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Reviews 1 - 6 of 6

anger management issues. do not hug this man.
tombones on Tuesday May 25, 2010
ha ha you wish
jonnyrocket2 on Friday March 19, 2010
horrible player dont respect flags and hes a stupid retard XD he has the full kdice asshole package:P
KCR on Thursday March 18, 2010
Bo Jackson: thanks, green Bo Jackson: that was practical :::: jonnyrocket2: yep, making sure you don't win jonnyrocket2: ha ha :::: jonnyrocket2: at least i don't waste my life on tdhis game like you obviously do jonnyrocket2: so shut the fuck up and respect my flag -------- Several rounds later, after more cursing and tough-guy shit-talking from jonnyrocket2, he flags 4th, then wonders why it isn't respected and whines hilariously while I put him out 5th or 6th or whatever the hell it was. How unsurprising it is of someone like you, who admittedly cares nothing about this game (laughable at best) to leave a pestilent, angst-filled review after getting put in his place. Get fucked, idiot.
Bo Jackson on Wednesday June 24, 2009
doesn't respect flags
oarick on Wednesday June 24, 2009
Honorable player. keeps his word.
foo foo on Tuesday June 2, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary