![]() Level 17
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Savvy99567Peep show!
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. got his panties all in a knot because of a truce! then tried to truce and it back fired so he is all mad trying to say i PGA'd with someone whom i have never played with, NOT A VERY SMART GUY
Hollowman5000 on Monday September 28, 2009 I am PGA with everyone i am nice to in a game! Didn't you know!
Savvy99567 on Saturday September 5, 2009 In the case of noobs.
deciD on Saturday September 5, 2009 girl get a grip
xxSacredxx on Saturday June 6, 2009 PGA: Savvy99567 + jokerswild91 + tryt. Noobs with attitude. Owning you and your friends was so much fun! Priceless! :D
Tueur_en_serie. on Wednesday June 3, 2009 good player, respected my flag and played well
V a n d a l a y on Monday May 25, 2009 says one thing - does another
Vauban on Sunday May 24, 2009 ummm this player is cool havent had any problems and she is a trustworthy player
jokerswild91 on Sunday May 24, 2009 I agree with the General. This player is the very definition of immature. Poor player with no class or talent who only plays the game in order to whine when things don't go their way.
Don Quitote on Wednesday May 13, 2009 is a little cry baby does not understand the game poor player
GeneralBigBalls on Tuesday May 12, 2009 |