Level 77
to level 78


"... just strengthening my position."
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This player has 1 contributions to the community

Recognized on 5:24 PM, Monday December 5, 2016 EST by integral
fun player, thanks for contributing to the kdice community.

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Friendly, skilled player.
itrecal on Sunday May 17, 2009
Absolutely do not trust anything this player says. He will not respect a flag.
jojoman on Thursday May 14, 2009
This player is, as Ho Lee Chit put "Cool As Fuck"
DPDIESEL on Thursday May 14, 2009
Twice you complain over truces made in chat during the game for 3rd place, not my fault if you don't listen or make truces yourself.
Vohaul on Tuesday May 5, 2009
he raped me in the butt, took advantage me
shizzzzel on Friday May 1, 2009
3 words can describe this player "cool as fuck"
Ho_Lee_Chit on Tuesday April 28, 2009
Great player!
Gleekin on Tuesday April 28, 2009
Fun to play with. Good player. Etc. Etc. Lol. thumbs up
hokansoc on Thursday April 16, 2009
A pathetic human being. Whiner. Needs therapy. A small turd of a man. No, worse... a turdlet.
Alala Alala on Saturday April 11, 2009
Coconutt on Saturday April 11, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
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