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extreme stabber
fluxboxer on Sunday November 17, 2013
i flagged him and he attacked me. never trust this poor kiddie. another asshole with no plan of this game. poor gay
Fieselfink on Saturday November 16, 2013
biggest pussy in the game by a mile. Sickening
I Pitty The Fool on Tuesday February 5, 2013
saw him backstab
ProbingUranus on Saturday March 10, 2012
Odd style but honours his flag
uber_meister on Saturday July 23, 2011
pga with rumcajz and andrjuz after flaging built up and attacked after i started attacking his pgas
bluff or not? on Monday June 27, 2011
_SlimShady on Tuesday May 31, 2011
beekmans on Monday November 1, 2010
Nobody can flag on behalf of another player. I never agreed to flag to ZEN HAR HAR. I never agreed to any 1/2 competition. I can see why he's upset, but ZEN HAR HAR should confirm that all players have flagged if he wants to play like this in the future. It only makes sense.
azoundria2 on Wednesday October 27, 2010
//> Disrespectful of game etiquette.//> Let me tell you a story: Several players were still on the board. The three (3) major players were Blue, Yellow (me), and Red. Teal and Brown (azoundria2) both flagged Blue. Red and Yellow (again, me) fought back and fourth for some time. I was almost ready to flag to Blue myself, but I was trying to hold out. Red finally capitulated, satisfied with his attempt. I asked the board for a summary of flags. Everybody was flagged to 1st except myself. I was badly battered from my scuffle with Red and was trying to stack up before Blue's southern wave rushed over. The territory count was 9 v 14 (+ ~10 bonus die) at the outset, at which point I asked a deciding question: "Will this be for 1/2?" Blue answered "Yup." So I decided to take on an uphill battle when I would have otherwise gladly flagged. The rest of the several players who were still around were then allowed to sit back and catch up, growing and consolidating. Azoundria2 bordered me and was given a 10-15 turn vacation in the middle of the game while Blue and I fought it out for 1/2. I was only able to hold Blue off for a while, and only cut him slightly twice. He was able to come back and make 2 solid cuts through my territory and I congratulated him and capitulated myself. Brown (again, azoundria2) then decided to try for a comeback to get 2nd place while I was weakened and cut and he had bonus die handy. If I knew I would have to then fight for 2nd after fighting for 1st, I would have flagged in the first place since the first battle would have been hard enough. Azoundria2 complained that he wanted to eat some of my territory and Blue had mistakenly told him to "go thru then." After this, Brown (azoundria2) proceeded to burn through and only selectively listen to reason. Red immediately spoke up on my behalf and described how I should be 2nd since I had just finished fighting where Blue and myself were going to technically get 1st or 2nd only. Blue chimed in as well and agreed, instructing Brown (azoundria2) to roll off with Red (since they were on opposite ends of the map). Azoundria2 refused and kept trying to kill off my territory quickly before the tides of opinion could set in. Red scoffed at Brown (azoundria2), complained about how ridiculous azoundria2 was being, and then offered to flag out to 4th so azoundria2 could just TAKE 3rd without a roll. Brown (azoundria2) again refused, and proceeded to finish off the rest of my territory despite Blue trying to correct the matter with, unfortunately, unlucky rolls. I had asked Blue to stand up for me since he wasn't acting more swiftly and only talking while every turn azoundria2 kept displaying a pure disdain for accepted and settled game etiquette. Azoundria2 refused to listen to the reasoning purely for the benefit of his own self interest. After Brown killed me off and the game ended, Brown's (azoundria2's) first words were "He did stand up for you," which was a sarcastic prod at the fact that the game ended and everybody stood up shortly after I died. . . //> LOOK: You simply CANNOT get 2nd if you already flagged to first and took a 10-15 turn vacation in the middle of the game, building, only to wait for the last person who had not already given up become weak enough from fighting in a stated "1st v 2nd" final duel that you can go ahead and fuck his game over unfairly and cheaply and steal that work for yourself. If you wanted 2nd, you shouldn't have given up so early in the game while you stayed huddled in your corner. And you definitely shouldn't have used your flag as a protection to do that until you could kill whoever happened to be fighting for 1st place at the end. !!! I would NOT recommend playing with Brown (azoundria2) !!! --- this person will refused to listen to 75% of the table regarding fairness and justice so long as unadulterated self interest can show a way to steal from others. !!! I cannot give you any sound advice as to how a game with this person may start, but now you have a good measure of how it may end. BEWARE. AND I INVITE YOU TO ASK HIM HIS EXPLANATION FOR HIS ACTIONS DESCRIBED IN THIS REVIEW DURING ANY GAME YOU EVER PLAY WITH THIS PERSON.
ZEN HAR HAR on Thursday October 21, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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