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ShackAttackAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. attacks me when I flagged, for no reason
psykopat on Tuesday September 14, 2010 PGA with ShackAttack
Nexxen on Thursday March 18, 2010 wish I would have read earlier
Noob Slayer on Thursday March 18, 2010 PGA with Dantheman833
Tachka on Thursday February 25, 2010 PGAed with Dantheman833. Kdouche.
foo foo on Tuesday February 23, 2010 PGA with Dantheman833.
waykreid on Tuesday February 2, 2010 PGA with Ferrice. THE BIGGEST BASTARD I HAVE EVER SEEN. Flagged to me, i left him finish his game, offered him a fair chance for 3rd, after he won, he went on me , destroyed me and took every chance away for me to fight the 1st. KILL KILL KILL on SIGHT.
Loser_krez on Tuesday January 26, 2010 PGA with Dantheman833. Again.
This type of player is an embarrassment to the normal and justice kdice community.
Count Max on Thursday January 21, 2010 PGA with Dantheman833. Really shamelessly obvious. Spent the entire game dicking me over just to give his partner a better chance.
Xanth on Thursday January 21, 2010 PGA with Dantheman833. Did not read this reveiw until I had a firm grasp on 2nd and they both then attacked me.
TekManiac on Friday December 11, 2009 |