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greatest asshole in this game! Lieing bastard!
thunder2806 on Friday July 10, 2009
Lebosstom on Monday July 6, 2009
u got that right, what an arse
greenoaks on Friday July 3, 2009
didnt respect flags
running turtle on Friday July 3, 2009
pga is just another bastard who doesnt respect flags a really stupid player
strawhat on Thursday July 2, 2009
pga with carter
NinjaPirate on Monday June 29, 2009
Honors flags. Nice playing with you.
snakeeyes11 on Friday June 12, 2009
Yup, i was in the same game as GREEN. Didn't respect a flag, gave me the "cry me a river boy" about 5 times, and then skulked off without a word when the whole table turned on him. At least be man enough to stay to the end.
waykreid on Wednesday June 3, 2009
Another, "sorry I wasn't reading" dick-head. Beware playing this juvenile turd
.GREEN on Wednesday June 3, 2009
He is very low brained, or maybe 7 years old...
Lord_Death on Friday May 15, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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