Level 38
to level 39


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This player has been modded by the community

I'm satisfied with PureOdyssey's explanation of what happened and I will remove the bans. For safety reasons I would suggest not playing the same game or tournament. But if both of you are confident that you will just treat each other as normal "competitors in the game" I will allow you both to play together. A couple enjoying KDice together and without cheating together is a rare thing and I would like to encourage that to set a good example for other couples :). In order not to confuse people, I would like to ask not to play PO and @PO in the same game or tournament. I'm still not sure to who that account belongs but let's say I'll ignore that. If something isn't clear, feel free to ask. +play jurgen 7:00 PM, Saturday February 13, 2016 EST
banned for playing multiple tournaments with more than one account at a time -play jurgen 4:19 AM, Tuesday February 9, 2016 EST

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Reviews 1 - 10 of 10

stabbing piece of shit
moulue on Friday February 5, 2016
truces and the flags... asshole
SHO-GUN on Wednesday December 16, 2015
cool dude he is a winner
PureOdyssey on Saturday September 26, 2015
@ copy pasting reviews back * Cool dude.
gtech on Tuesday July 27, 2010
Lol @ copy pasting reviews back * Cool dude.
dr. zoidberg 69 on Saturday August 15, 2009
pga me in tourny now my PGE
Mr.Maxwell on Wednesday August 12, 2009
farms when in the lead
BurnNotice on Monday August 10, 2009
he kicked my ass more then i kicked his, respect!
FilipL on Sunday August 9, 2009
not urs
leben on Monday August 3, 2009
Stupid player, doesn't respect flags !
bigjeffo on Monday August 3, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
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