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Monsanto wrote
at 3:30 PM, Thursday February 13, 2014 EST

+0 for 3rd
-99 for dominance
+100 for 2 kills
Rank: 105th Score: +1 to 4963◆.
Monsanto finishes 3rd in round 6
Monsanto wrote
at 7:58 PM, Tuesday April 2, 2013 EDT
Monsanto's turn
axo_tio defeated 3v5, 15 to 7, (6,4,5 to 1,1,2,2,1)
Monsanto wrote
at 7:57 PM, Tuesday April 2, 2013 EDT
Monsanto's turn
squash magee defeated 2v5, 12 to 10, (6,6 to 1,2,1,3,3)
Monsanto wrote
at 3:51 PM, Thursday December 8, 2011 EST
Lord Death
Dez 8, 3:38 PM CST 5th 0 16 % 44 : 56 49.7 % 8 5.000◆ (-80) 53rd
Dez 8, 3:26 PM CST 5th 0 13 % 38 : 62 52.8 % 6 5.153◆ (-153) 51st
Lord Death
Dez 8, 3:13 PM CST 2nd 0 41 % 54 : 46 47.6 % 17 4.853◆ (+300) 50th
Lord Death
Dez 8, 3:03 PM CST 1st 0 100 % 75 : 25 45.6 % 10 4.000◆ (+853) 57th
EmptyBottle wrote
at 2:54 PM, Monday October 17, 2011 EDT
bav enklave?
Monsanto wrote
at 10:44 AM, Friday October 30, 2009 EDT
hey !!
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