![]() Level 17
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ATLTommyBoiAdd a review about this player
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Fraghunter on Wednesday April 21, 2010 A splendid player that kdice needs more of. At first, I thought it was a little strange to have a "open" kdice homosexual, yet soon I warmed up to the idea and he really gave some insight into the homosexual world. He answered questions openly and honestly, and really changed a lot of minds of people I feel. With more homosexuals like himself coming clean and just letting the world know what is TRUE and what is MYTH really helps grow understanding. I applaud you for your openess with us here at kdice and wish you and your fiance' Greg the best of luck in the future!
Antarctica on Thursday March 4, 2010 Did not respect a Flag!
Huurre on Tuesday March 2, 2010 nice hair tommy
Cirquedaddy on Wednesday February 24, 2010 didnt acknowledge flag, then cuts me, twice, and bitches at me afterwards when I kill him about how he is honorable and he accepted the flag, but didnt mention it.
lambert14 on Wednesday February 24, 2010 A reasonable player .Plays with good principles that is rare to see in this game .
ColorBlind on Thursday February 11, 2010 Good player, remembers a truce, keeps his word.
Scican on Monday April 13, 2009 lacking some basic skills, doesnt respect flags, doesnt let other players fight for position
jaccunio on Saturday April 11, 2009 Fair player with me. He v-flagged to me, then helped me beat the guy in first position and was 1st at some point but still flagged 2nd to me. Nice.
Silex on Thursday April 9, 2009 beyond merciful
Strigoui on Tuesday April 7, 2009 |