*Dont Be Mad*

There is always light at the end of every tunnel no mater how long they can seem to be.
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*Dont Be Mad* wrote
at 10:24 PM, Wednesday August 18, 2010 EDT
Dealing pocket cards: [7c, 7h]
cigsmokingman folds
*Dont Be Mad* calls
sjfixed calls
RipDaddy calls
elsid calls
micy raises $1,000
fuzzy folds
fuzzy stands up
hyman calls
Sie-Yong calls
*Dont Be Mad* calls
sjfixed calls
RipDaddy calls
elsid folds
Dealing flop: [9s, 7d, 6h]
hyman checks
Sie-Yong bets $600
*Dont Be Mad* raises $19,900
sjfixed calls
RipDaddy folds
micy folds
hyman folds
Sie-Yong folds
Dealing turn: [2d]
Dealing river: [7s]
sjfixed shows [9c, Ad] for two pair, nines and sevens
*Dont Be Mad* shows [7c, 7h] for four sevens
*Dont Be Mad* wins main pot $25,200
*Dont Be Mad* wins side pot $10,700
sjfixed stands up
*Dont Be Mad* wrote
at 2:03 PM, Tuesday June 1, 2010 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [4h, 9c]
chemical chris calls
Klasseegon folds
Klasseegon stands up
Todd the Wad calls
get her done calls
*Dont Be Mad* calls
tweek303 checks
Dealing flop: [3h, Ah, 7s]
*Dont Be Mad* checks
tweek303 checks
chemical chris checks
Todd the Wad checks
get her done checks
Dealing turn: [2h]
*Dont Be Mad* checks
tweek303 checks
chemical chris checks
Todd the Wad checks
get her done checks
Dealing river: [5h]
Klasseegon takes a seat
*Dont Be Mad* checks
tweek303 checks
chemical chris checks
Todd the Wad checks
get her done bets $200
*Dont Be Mad* calls
tweek303 folds
chemical chris folds
Todd the Wad folds
get her done shows [4d, 3d] for a straight five high
*Dont Be Mad* shows [4h, 9c] for a straight flush five high
*Dont Be Mad* wins main pot $1,600
*Dont Be Mad* stands up
*Dont Be Mad* wrote
at 5:10 PM, Friday April 23, 2010 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [7s, 7h]
Basic Barfly folds
R-O-B-B-Y folds
*Dont Be Mad* raises $1,475
Victoray folds
cesar1 calls
Dealing flop: [7d, Kd, Jc]
Dealing turn: [7c]
Dealing river: [Js]
*Dont Be Mad* shows [7s, 7h] for four sevens
cesar1 shows [5c, 8d] for two pair, Jacks and sevens
*Dont Be Mad* wins main pot $2,975
Cyse wrote
at 4:26 PM, Thursday April 8, 2010 EDT
*Dont Be Mad* wrote
at 7:19 PM, Friday March 12, 2010 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [8s, 8h]
Old Smokey calls
gazster raises $550
*Dont Be Mad* raises $1,225
floridamom folds
Robinc4959 folds
Old Smokey folds
gazster calls
Dealing flop: [8d, Qs, Jc]
Dealing turn: [3h]
Dealing river: [8c]
gazster shows [Tc, Ad] for a pair of eights
*Dont Be Mad* shows [8s, 8h] for four eights
*Dont Be Mad* wins main pot $2,700
Robinc4959 wrote
at 12:32 AM, Tuesday February 23, 2010 EST
Maddie I am really sorry I was an ass.
*Dont Be Mad* wrote
at 7:52 PM, Monday February 22, 2010 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Ah, Ts]
bwana1964dg calls
el_diablo66 calls
CDU calls
geeforce calls
*Dont Be Mad* checks
Dealing flop: [6s, 2h, Td]
geeforce checks
*Dont Be Mad* bets $200
bwana1964dg calls
el_diablo66 calls
CDU calls
geeforce folds
Dealing turn: [Tc]
*Dont Be Mad* bets $200
bwana1964dg calls
el_diablo66 calls
CDU calls
Dealing river: [Th]
*Dont Be Mad* checks
bwana1964dg checks
el_diablo66 checks
CDU checks
*Dont Be Mad* shows [Ah, Ts] for four tens
bwana1964dg shows [5s, 6h] for a full house, tens full of sixs
THE REAL OOTZZ shows [7s, 8d] for three tens
el_diablo66 shows [4h, 4d] for a full house, tens full of fours
CDU shows [7c, 6d] for a full house, tens full of sixs
*Dont Be Mad* wins main pot $3,200
*Dont Be Mad* wrote
at 1:18 PM, Monday February 22, 2010 EST
Twice in one day WOW
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [6c, 6s]
stealthmonkey calls
geriatrixxx folds
Rockefeller calls
jack be nimble calls
*Dont Be Mad* calls
Philoktetes calls
ac......... checks
Dealing flop: [6d, 6h, 3d]
Philoktetes checks
ac......... checks
stealthmonkey checks
Rockefeller bets $400
jack be nimble folds
*Dont Be Mad* calls
Philoktetes folds
ac......... folds
stealthmonkey calls
Dealing turn: [8d]
stealthmonkey checks
Rockefeller checks
*Dont Be Mad* checks
Dealing river: [2d]
stealthmonkey bets $200
Rockefeller calls
*Dont Be Mad* raises $400
stealthmonkey calls
Rockefeller folds
stealthmonkey shows [3c, 4d] for a flush eight high
*Dont Be Mad* shows [6c, 6s] for four sixs
*Dont Be Mad* wins main pot $3,400
*Dont Be Mad* wrote
at 12:25 PM, Monday February 22, 2010 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [6h, 6c]
Rockefeller folds
*Dont Be Mad* checks
'Do be Mad' raises $600
the best of DN folds
EddyB folds
larry33 calls
chips2 calls
*Dont Be Mad* calls
Dealing flop: [6d, Ks, 6s]
larry33 checks
chips2 checks
*Dont Be Mad* checks
'Do be Mad' bets $700
larry33 folds
chips2 calls
*Dont Be Mad* calls
Dealing turn: [As]
chips2 checks
*Dont Be Mad* checks
'Do be Mad' bets $2,900
chips2 folds
*Dont Be Mad* calls
Dealing river: [4s]
*Dont Be Mad* checks
'Do be Mad' bets $5,800
*Dont Be Mad* raises $11,600
'Do be Mad' calls
*Dont Be Mad* shows [6h, 6c] for four sixs
'Do be Mad' shows [Kh, Kc] for a full house, Kings full of sixs
*Dont Be Mad* wins main pot $30,204
*Dont Be Mad* wins side pot $1,648
'Do be Mad' stands up
*Dont Be Mad* wrote
at 3:22 AM, Wednesday February 17, 2010 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Kd, Kh]
WhoMe2 calls
*Dont Be Mad* raises $400
arrrg folds
ThatsMeBaby calls
Ando69 calls
laramy folds
mennega75 folds
WhoMe2 calls
Dealing flop: [6d, Ks, Kc]
WhoMe2 bets $200
*Dont Be Mad* calls
ThatsMeBaby folds
Ando69 folds
Dealing turn: [Qh]
WhoMe2 bets $200
*Dont Be Mad* calls
Dealing river: [Jh]
WhoMe2 bets $200
*Dont Be Mad* raises $400
WhoMe2 calls
WhoMe2 shows [4h, 4d] for two pair, Kings and fours
*Dont Be Mad* shows [Kd, Kh] for four Kings
*Dont Be Mad* wins main pot $3,500
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