![]() Level 43
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MarkESteinAdd a review about this player
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hobgob on Friday August 31, 2012 Nice player!
Gleekin on Sunday July 22, 2012 Asshole. stabbing after flag
B4sH on Monday July 9, 2012 He accepted my ninja flag. Seems like a good guy. He may be the only kdice player that 3.14159 likes.
Prof Chaos on Monday April 30, 2012 fucking bitch, not respect flags!
tty_csu on Tuesday April 3, 2012 Honorable player , sticks up for other players
CloudyNine on Thursday March 22, 2012 2012-03-13 MarkEStein was OUTSTANDING as a 1st place player--a real showcase of the proper way to play when in 1st. ---------- MarkEStein took 1st very early and with very few lands because he had some big stacks and the first flag from his neighbor led to everyone else flagging to him. So there MarkEstein sat with 1st in hand (at least by VERBAL flags) and nothing to do but wait patiently--which he did. He waited VERY patiently as I extended the game longer, perhaps, than necessary as I was in the middle between two bigger foes. Eventually, once one of the two flagged to the other, I quit because everything had been settled. But during all that time of waiting (many, many rounds), MarkEStein NEVER ASKED FOR NOR DEMANDED A 'REAL' FLAG! Terrific! That was true even though the other players grew MUCH bigger than he was and many, many players in the same position would have 'gotten nervous' and more-or-less politely asked for/demanded real flags. MarkEStein NEVER DID THAT. THAT is the right way to play in 1st. He also never asked me nor green to flag out. He just waited patiently. ---------- By my estimate, fewer than 5% of flaggers don't honor their flags. ---------- I suppose it would be fair to note that teal put up a real flag for 2nd (without being asked to) quite a bit before we were done, but it was still LONG after most players would ask for/demand flags. ---------- Thanks very much, MarkEStein for being a shining example to others.
3.14159 on Tuesday March 13, 2012 keeps playing well
funtadan on Friday February 24, 2012 PFA with KRK23
PussycatV on Saturday February 4, 2012 flagged to him, after securing his 1st he backstabbed me and killed me.
don't trust this guy
Golum on Saturday October 15, 2011 |