Level 48
to level 49

sens rock

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This player has been modded by the community

please follow the rules. this is an all ages site, please no cussing at ppl at tables +chat gnice37 3:42 PM, Saturday August 1, 2015 EDT
removed for language -chat gnice37 5:18 PM, Thursday July 23, 2015 EDT

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literally the biggest piece of shit in the game we all know and love, honestly hate this fucker with a passion, my whole career in this game is devoted to making this fucker burn his bitch ass in the hell
hockey rox on Monday December 8, 2014
PGA with HOckey rox
NardSausage on Monday December 8, 2014
don't accept his flag
James Howlett on Sunday November 25, 2012
PGA with toms
Maple Tree on Thursday November 22, 2012
go give voxall a good review for giving you the win over purple in our game -.-" (where, btw, you technically truced against him... -.-")
ub3 on Monday November 12, 2012
not a backstabber. sat out for 2nd like he promised. good player
bobbidothechef on Sunday November 11, 2012
Piece of fucking shit. Backstabber with no honor.
hoboko on Saturday November 10, 2012
idiot player
koki1212 on Saturday November 3, 2012
this guy really need to be beaten up anytime soon
scar11 on Friday October 19, 2012
2012-10-11 sens rock confirms that he is a chat jerk--and he is a proven backstabber. All chat below is verbatim as it always is. ++++++++++ sens rock: hey pie!!!!! ---------- sens rock: lolololol ---------- sens rock has left ---------- 3.14159: sens rock, are you going to continue to be a chat jerk and backstabber? ---------- sens rock: hahahahaha are you really still mad? ---------- 3.14159: not at all--this is what i do ---------- 3.14159: YOU are the one that chatted first ---------- sens rock: lolololol ---------- 3.14159: does the garbage man get mad at the garbage? no ---------- sens rock: see ya faggot ########## ---------- 3.14159: i am not mad at you--you are just another 'example' ---------- 3.14159: yes! chat jerk: proven ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2012-10-08 sens rock is a chat jerk and backstabber. His fellow-traveler is cakehead. All chat below is verbatim as it always is. ++++++++++ sens rock: flag blue ########## [Note: sens rock tries to flag in Round 2.] ---------- cakehead: round 2 dude [Note: This is an old sens rock backstabber trick: flag early then attack late to win the game.] ---------- cakehead: dont worry my luck sucks anyway ---------- sens rock: ok well lets truce ########## ---------- sens rock: ? ---------- 3.14159: thankfully, truces--both spoken and unspoken--are rare on the 0 tables ---------- 3.14159: truces ruin the game ---------- sens rock: k. ---------- sens rock: blue take ouy purp ---------- sens rock: out ---------- 3.14159: if you want 'protection' just flag ---------- sens rock: stfu ########## [Note: sens rock the chat jerk is never far from the surface.] ---------- 3.14159: ah, green is a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: that figures ---------- sens rock: blue i still flag ---------- 3.14159: a 0 table trucer is a chat jerk is no surprise ---------- sens rock: you mad bro? ---------- 3.14159: not at all ---------- 3.14159: and does anyone still say that? ---------- 3.14159: you do, of course ---------- 3.14159: but anyone smart? ---------- sens rock: :,( ---------- 3.14159: i am not mad because you are not unusual at all green... ---------- 3.14159: you are one of the 3% ---------- sens rock: i flag blue\ ---------- 3.14159: you are a rat or a cockroach on kdice... ---------- 3.14159: we can't kill ALL of you, we have to learn to live with you ---------- 3.14159: or your brothers, green ---------- 3.14159: see? ---------- 3.14159: you are NOT special ---------- 3.14159: so, sens rock, i am not mad at all--i am just doing my job ---------- 3.14159: pointing out the 3%ers on kdice ---------- 3.14159: you ---------- 3.14159: got it now, sens rock? ---------- 3.14159: no? ---------- 3.14159: cat got your tongue now? ---------- cakehead: for calling someone a chat jerk...u kinda love to chat urself right? ---------- 3.14159: i do this to the chat jerks, blue ---------- sens rock: sorry i was busy with your mom brown [Note: A "mom" jibe? Really? New material, please.] ---------- 3.14159: they deserve it ---------- 3.14159: and the 97% need to see that the chat jerks don't own the place ---------- cakehead: why even bother? ---------- 3.14159: ah... ---------- 3.14159: listen carefully now, blue ---------- 3.14159: do you want MORE of them or FEWER of them? ---------- sens rock: wheeeeeeeeeeew ---------- 3.14159: that is the only important question, blue ---------- cakehead: couldnt really bother less if there are more or less...get a life dude ########## [Note: Then it will not "bother" him if HE is added to the list of Kdice jerks since he doesn't care.] ---------- 3.14159: "why even bother"... ---------- cdmyrr: i stay end ofyour fight ---------- cakehead: green flagged me ---------- 3.14159: kdice is a life, blue ---------- cakehead: so this is the end ---------- cdmyrr: .. ---------- 3.14159: what a surprise if green turns out to be a backstabber, too ---------- 3.14159: blue, i don't need or want your thanks... ---------- 3.14159: your peaceful enjoyment of the better kdice i help provide is enough for me ---------- cakehead: u still talking? ---------- 3.14159: u still listening? ---------- 3.14159: see, blue? green is ALSO a backstabber ########## [Note: cakehead got what he deserved for supporting a backstabber--he got backstabbed, of course.] ---------- 3.14159: AND a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: see? ---------- cakehead: so what? ########## [Note: And so what if I post this in cakehead's reviews, right? He should not care at all about that, right? We shall see.] ---------- 3.14159: that is how it works ---------- cakehead: this is a 0 table... ---------- 3.14159: do you want MORE of him or FEWER? ---------- 3.14159: which is it? ---------- 3.14159: all your medals don't prove your wisdom, blue ---------- 3.14159: your actions prove that ---------- 3.14159: look at green and ponder ---------- [Note: Next table, next game.] ---------- 3.14159: fair warning: sens rock is a backstabber... ---------- 3.14159: he did it in the game before this one ---------- 3.14159: in addition, he is a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: he may also be from Canada ---------- 3.14159: which is surprising... ---------- Al Dog: not all Canadians are jerks tho ;) ---------- sens rock: wheeeeew your going down yellow ---------- 3.14159: the stereotype is that all Canadians are nice, good people ---------- 3.14159: but NOT sens rock ---------- sens rock: everyone go after yellow hes a whiny little bitch ########## ---------- 3.14159: is the garbage man whiny for taking out the garbage? ---------- sens rock: say what ---------- 3.14159: is the sheriff whiny for stopping the bad guys? ---------- 3.14159: you HATE being called out for what you are... ---------- 3.14159: a chat jerk and backstabber ---------- 3.14159: you HATE it ---------- sens rock: chill ---------- cakehead: the awesome kdice police strikes again...oh my goood save yourselves!!! dont get caught!!! ---------- 3.14159: ah, cakehead wants MORE backstabber and chat jerks ---------- cakehead: is there a way to ignore a player? ---------- 3.14159: yes--mute ---------- 3.14159: or just ignore him ---------- sens rock: cake head lets get him ---------- 3.14159: d'uh ---------- sens rock: brown you know i flag ---------- 3.14159: cakehead, go look at sens rock's reviews--all about his being a backstabber... ---------- 3.14159: i didn't have to look at his reviews to know that ---------- sens rock: take out yellow thats all that matters ---------- 3.14159: you want MORE of him? ---------- 3.14159: sens rock, i'll be happy to quit if you say "please" ---------- sens rock: please quit ########## {Note: sens rock knows the word "please"?!] ---------- pollypeach: sry diddn't read ---------- Al Dog: should let yellow rock out in the corner lol ---------- sens rock: thank god ---------- 3.14159: see? politeness counts ---------- sens rock: hes finally gone ---------- 3.14159: don't be a chat jerk, sens rock ---------- 3.14159: pursue wisdom, justice, truth, and beauty ---------- sens rock: dont be a whiny little bitch ########## ---------- 3.14159: sens rock can see no further than his navel ---------- sens rock: derp derp derp ---------- 3.14159: sens rock, "navel" is "belly button" to you ---------- Al Dog: snappidy ---------- sens rock: we meet again brown ---------- 3.14159: you don't mind if i pge you? ---------- sens rock: or should i say.......DINK? ---------- 3.14159: you are clever at the basest of things, right sens rock? ---------- 3.14159: fair warning: sens rock is a backstabber ---------- 3.14159: he didn't backstab me, of course ---------- Al Dog: i heard ya last game :P ---------- 3.14159: :) ---------- 3.14159: teal, ask the others if they heard last game ---------- sens rock: we all heard him last game... ---------- sens rock: he doesnt shut up ---------- 3.14159: everyone here played in the last game? ---------- [Note: Next table, next game.] ---------- sens rock: wow red isnt talking thats weird ---------- 3.14159: what? to mention that you are a backstabber? ---------- 3.14159: and you are a chat jerk, sens rock? ---------- 3.14159: you know it already ---------- sens rock: nah
3.14159 on Thursday October 11, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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