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Backstabber. Does not honor his vflags.
JeffLebowski on Monday August 16, 2010
Flags in round two.
Ender_wiggin on Wednesday July 28, 2010
Nutjob. Needs medication
Preston on Sunday July 25, 2010
vflags and then attacks... enough said.
scarp8 on Sunday July 25, 2010
The luck was with me this tournament. Better luck next time! :D
Pontus Thor on Saturday July 24, 2010
DO NOT TRUST. V.flagged and then attacked. Arsehole.
Galvers on Thursday July 22, 2010
Pretends to flag. Denies he flagged. y2j-code222 has no honor--he is dishonorable. [However, the Overview says Y2J is an 11-year-old female in Berlin. The age of 11 is believable--I have an 11-year-old son who thinks you can act any way you want to on the Internet. He is wrong.] I was yellow; Y2J was red. Here is the chat from today (7-20-2010)---------------Y2J-Code222: flag green........ Y2J-Code222: flag........ greenY2J-Code222: flag green........ Y2J-Code222:........ Y2J-Code222:........ Y2J-Code222:........ Y2J-Code222:........ Y2J-Code222:........ Y2J-Code222:........ Y2J-Code222:........ Y2J-Code222:........ Y2J-Code222:........ Y2J-Code222:........ Y2J-Code222:........ Y2J-Code222:........ Y2J-Code222:........ oakcliff: thanks blue........ Freddie G: flagged........ kainesh: wtf, red?!?........ Y2J-Code222: what is........ Y2J-Code222: flag yellow........ kainesh: "Y2J-Code222: flag green "........ Y2J-Code222: no........ kainesh: I didn't read that?........ Y2J-Code222: i have not flag to you........ oakcliff: red, when you wrote that, were you asking green to flag to you?........ kainesh: Am I going crazy here guys?........ Freddie G: Green is right, Red is a backstabber........ Y2J-Code222: i have not flag to green........ oakcliff: but red--you wrote "flag green"........ kainesh: sounds like some comments are in order........... oakcliff: what did you mean by that?........ kainesh: jackass........ Y2J-Code222: where........ Freddie G: Y2J-Code222: flag green........ Y2J-Code222: no........ kainesh: scroll up past your spammed hard returns........ Freddie G: Yellow, if he 'flagged' green and then attacked him don't you think he will attack you too?........ kainesh: Thats why yellow is attacking........ Y2J-Code222: flag yellow........ kainesh: lol........ Y2J-Code222: i flag yellow........ kainesh: Are you sure this time?........ oakcliff: your "word" cannot be trusted, red........ Y2J-Code222: fuck you........ Y2J-Code222 has left........ oakcliff: time to leave reviews........ The funniest part is when y2j-code222 tries to cover-up his flag by hitting return a bunch of times to try to move his "flag green" off the chat screen. All you had to do, y2j, was to say, "Oops, I take back my flag."
oakcliff on Tuesday July 20, 2010
Exactly what everyone else is saying. Watch out.
kainesh on Tuesday July 20, 2010
Seriously flagged to everyone in the game, and then backstabbed, lucky everyone then took him out!
@Orange_Truck on Tuesday July 20, 2010
flags then attacks. don't trust.
BUCKDAWG on Wednesday July 7, 2010
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