Level 56
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This player has been modded by the community

told you to not play any accounts during your 2 week ban. with all your ban and warning history, I am making this a full ban until the end of April -changeAvatar -play -re-register jurgen 5:04 PM, Wednesday March 25, 2015 EDT
You lose your chat again. -chat -post KDICEMOD 12:01 AM, Friday August 12, 2011 EDT
Be free, but be nice +chat +post Bone-Roller 8:31 PM, Saturday August 6, 2011 EDT
Slinging more N-bombs and other abusive behavior -chat for at least 30 days. -chat -post Bone-Roller 12:25 AM, Friday November 5, 2010 EDT
Time Servered + Some +chat Rowdyazell 11:22 AM, Friday October 22, 2010 EDT
Please refrain from using the Racial Language 1 Day Rest from Chat -chat Rowdyazell 2:31 PM, Tuesday October 19, 2010 EDT
Time served. +chat Vermont 1:01 PM, Monday August 23, 2010 EDT
No using racial slurs like the n-word. One week chat ban. -chat Vermont 10:18 PM, Thursday August 12, 2010 EDT
time is up +chat +post These cards suck 6:09 PM, Tuesday April 27, 2010 EDT
-chat -post for offensive language. 7 day ban. -chat -post KDICEMOD 12:43 PM, Tuesday October 6, 2009 EDT
Status restored +chat +post These cards suck 9:59 PM, Wednesday September 16, 2009 EDT
User muted after posts. http://kdice.com/discussion/topics/44785969 http://kdice.com/discussion/topics/44785970 Ban lifted on or after October 1st 2009 -chat -post These cards suck 12:16 AM, Tuesday September 15, 2009 EDT
Ban lifted according to Julesdoggs' time period. +chat mystery man 3:09 PM, Sunday March 22, 2009 EDT
Abusive chat: kaneda_z: you suck balls brown kaneda_z: fucking cunt brown, otherwise gg green Please respect your fellow players. 3 day chat ban, find me or another advisor to get it lifted. -chat JulesDogg 3:27 PM, Saturday March 14, 2009 EDT

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Just another kdice douche. -- [This review was automatically posted using Deadcode Tools for KDice. Download: http://kdice.com/profile/44773121]
Tarilonte on Sunday August 14, 2011
temper temper D:
wrestlerchance on Thursday August 11, 2011
Unfair player ... no respect for others, to arrogant.
Wyzem on Tuesday August 9, 2011
just ban him again please. why do we have to accept all these insults and his bad behaviour ?
Hafenrundfahrt on Tuesday August 9, 2011
bad behaviour on the tables! Think he learned nothing out of his bans. Hope gets banned again soon.
Rmer on Monday August 8, 2011
Very nice person LOL
Vittu mita on Sunday August 7, 2011
doesn't respect flags. Still playing like a noob.
expi on Wednesday August 3, 2011
bluff or not? on Tuesday July 5, 2011
Good player. Knows when to take advantage of a strategy and obviously gets the game.
Bahboy on Saturday November 20, 2010
Disrespects flags.
Draconius on Friday November 12, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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