Level 18
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TomashdeLioncurtAdd a review about this player
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Reviews 1 - 7 of 7
ch1co_3vo: you say i´m stupid couse i respect flags i promise ill do?? well then i guess you´re an unfair player...
Wincza: i don´t remember which game you´re talking, i don´t remember doing that, but if i really did i apologize...
TomashdeLioncurt on Wednesday May 6, 2009 he is a stupid player...
ch1c0_3v0 on Wednesday May 6, 2009 attack flaggeds players!!!
Wincza on Friday April 24, 2009 nice and fair player, you really can trust him
Volvic on Wednesday April 8, 2009 good player keeps his word flagged third to a guy even tho in second place
calumg91 on Wednesday April 8, 2009 Of course he doesn't keep his word, he's Argentinian
.GREEN on Thursday March 19, 2009 Doesn't keep word, don't trust him.
matt_123 on Sunday March 1, 2009 |