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shadowboxerAdd a review about this player
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Reviews 1 - 9 of 9
kaneda_z on Thursday April 2, 2009 can't grasp elementary aspects of the game, and gets abusive when you explain them to him. Doesn't respect flags either
junfire on Thursday April 2, 2009 can't grasp elementary aspects of the game, and gets abusive when you explain them to him.
5er on Thursday April 2, 2009 Does not respect flags. The moment you flag to him, he does attack, so be ready for that. He does not have any honor in this game, but hey it is a game.
TekManiac on Monday March 30, 2009 Poor player attacked a flagging player after he told him he would respect his flag
=PlayNice= on Monday March 30, 2009 DOESNT RESPECT FLAGS AND BIG ASSHOLE
Flotzi on Wednesday March 25, 2009 thats fair
bdwolin on Thursday February 19, 2009 If you had any respect for the game, you would have flagged out while you could, instead of letting your PGA get second place.
gereffi on Monday February 9, 2009 Loyal to the end.
PA Hokie on Monday February 9, 2009 |