![]() Level 46
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tubby740Add a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. tubby740: "i can sit for 2?"
And after agreeing he goes for first when main fight is decided... Untrustworthy
pszyman on Thursday November 27, 2014 i had fun messing with him. thanks for being a good sport.
JUSTcallmePRE on Monday July 28, 2014 Good sport.
ZebraSoul on Thursday June 12, 2014 nice player gl next time
Botanick on Sunday April 20, 2014 really bad player
ferdi. on Sunday June 16, 2013 Terrible player.
TheBetterYodel on Sunday May 5, 2013 not bad
eurasianbro on Monday August 20, 2012 once again... all these negative reviews... go to their pages ;) i love how that dude says i should be banned... yet he uses the derogatory language
tubby740 on Tuesday August 14, 2012 Kill on sight. This dumbass doesn't have two brain cells to rub together, and will, guaranteed, screw your game up and laugh about it. This sort of immature dickwad deserves to be banned from this site.
CGreenberg on Tuesday August 14, 2012 silent truces... won't accept flags for no reason... watch out!
limeylimey on Monday August 13, 2012 |