Level 35
to level 36 |
twoja_staraAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. backstabbing piece of shit. must be an eastern europe asshole
Rasenheizung on Wednesday March 3, 2010 Says "cool" with you 1 turn, then try to fuck u
Stormxx86 on Saturday January 9, 2010 This player is a bottom feeder. If he asks you to go a certain direction/be cool with him DO NOT go along with it. Once you are open he'll just kill you. He's also gutless. He had a secure border, was in second and was bigger than first in terms of stacks, but flagged. Kill first then enjoy your game afterwards.
Myriad on Monday May 18, 2009 Says "cool" with you 1 turn, then goes for the kill the next.
buaka on Tuesday April 14, 2009 14.4. pga with niffum
HUdf on Tuesday April 14, 2009 pga with akwroc and niffum
tobsen17 on Tuesday April 14, 2009 unfair player, says he flags you, repeats it later, but kills you later
Das Kreuz on Monday April 6, 2009 clearly a 'noob', even though i hate that word. made CRAZY moves throughout and got lucky. 1 2 look out 4
neil2304 on Friday April 3, 2009 he said i flag 3rd, but he fucked me with this friend, this friend truced with me ! inacceptable !!!! its an asshole !!!!
rikistar on Friday March 27, 2009 PGA with penokio and doesn't respect flags
PeterSSon on Friday March 27, 2009 |