Guess Warn
Tomurai takes a seat
sa|ch| guesses puppy
mimivilee guesses puppy
mimivilee guesses doh
mayaphrodite guesses bunny
sa|ch| guesses puppy eye
mimivilee guesses dog
sa|ch| guesses dog collar
mayaphrodite guesses fresh freesia
sa|ch| guesses dog walker
mayaphrodite guesses wiener dog
sa|ch| correctly guesses flea.
sa|ch| wins 96 for guessing correctly.
ElfyBwahaha wins 96 for the sketch.
Tomurai's turn to sketch. Tomurai adds 128 to the pot.
Every other player adds 32 to the pot.
.UserUpdateEvent: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Should only call onDetach when the widget is attached to the browser's document
mimivilee guesses aww cute doggy
sa|ch| guesses poke
mayaphrodite guesses poke
sa|ch| guesses eagle
mayaphrodite guesses pegasus
mimivilee guesses peck
sa|ch| guesses hawk
sa|ch| guesses fly
mayaphrodite guesses when pigs fly
sa|ch| guesses swan
sa|ch| guesses moose
mimivilee guesses flight
sa|ch| guesses rooster
mayaphrodite guesses eagle
mayaphrodite guesses chicken
sa|ch| guesses chicken
mimivilee guesses cockral
sa|ch| guesses hen
mimivilee guesses rooster
mimivilee guesses hen
mayaphrodite guesses rooster
Nadira takes a seat
Nadira guesses dragon
sa|ch| guesses wake up call
sa|ch| guesses mating
mayaphrodite guesses chickenfight
Nadira guesses roosters
mayaphrodite correctly guesses chicken dance.
mayaphrodite wins 128 for guessing correctly.
Tomurai wins 128 for the sketch.
.UserGameUpdateEvent: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Should only call onDetach when the widget is attached to the browser's document
.UserUpdateEvent: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Should only call onDetach when the widget is attached to the browser's document
Nadira's turn to sketch. Nadira adds 160 to the pot.
Every other player adds 32 to the pot.
Tomurai stands up
mimivilee guesses lag??
mimivilee guesses oh
mimivilee guesses couple
mimivilee guesses cart
sa|ch| guesses wedding chapel
sa|ch| guesses priest
mayaphrodite guesses grandchild
ElfyBwahaha guesses grandparents
sa|ch| guesses grandfather
mimivilee correctly guesses family tree.
mimivilee wins 160 for guessing correctly.
Nadira wins 160 for the sketch.
.UserGameUpdateEvent: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Should only call onDetach when the widget is attached to the browser's document
.UserUpdateEvent: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Should only call onDetach when the widget is attached to the browser's document
mimivilee's turn to sketch. mimivilee adds 128 to the pot.
Every other player adds 32 to the pot.
Your word is sofa
mayaphrodite guesses cup
sa|ch| guesses couch
sa|ch| guesses drive
sa|ch| guesses eh
Nadira guesses seat
ElfyBwahaha guesses seat
sa|ch| guesses sill
sa|ch| guesses dits
sa|ch| guesses sits
mimivilee hints that the first letter is s
sa|ch| guesses sell
Nadira correctly guesses sofa.
Nadira wins 128 for guessing correctly.
mimivilee wins 128 for the sketch.
.UserGameUpdateEvent: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Should only call onDetach when the widget is attached to the browser's document
.UserUpdateEvent: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Should only call onDetach when the widget is attached to the browser's document
sa|ch|'s turn to sketch. sa|ch| adds 128 to the pot.
Every other player adds 32 to the pot.
mimivilee guesses may
Nadira guesses may
mimivilee guesses maya
abc efg takes a seat
abc efg stands up
abc efg takes a seat
abc efg stands up
Nadira guesses cute
abc efg takes a seat
abc efg stands up
abc efg takes a seat
abc efg stands up
mimivilee guesses friend
abc efg takes a seat
abc efg stands up
Tomurai takes a seat
abc efg takes a seat
mimivilee guesses e
Tomurai stands up
abc efg stands up
mimivilee guesses nice
Tomurai takes a seat
Tomurai stands up
Tomurai takes a seat
abc efg takes a seat
Tomurai stands up
abc efg sits out
mayaphrodite guesses hdgaeghealkdfjagdg
ElfyBwahaha guesses cuet
Tomurai takes a seat
abc efg sits in
mayaphrodite guesses da
mayaphrodite guesses hgdahg
Nadira guesses r
Tomurai stands up
mayaphrodite guesses fh
abc efg stands up
mayaphrodite guesses gfh
Tomurai takes a seat
abc efg takes a seat
mayaphrodite guesses LOL
abc efg stands up
Tomurai stands up
sa|ch| hints that the first letter is c
abc efg takes a seat
Tomurai takes a seat
ElfyBwahaha guesses cute
Tomurai stands up
abc efg stands up
Tomurai takes a seat
Tomurai stands up
mayaphrodite guesses chimp
Tomurai takes a seat
abc efg takes a seat
Tomurai stands up
abc efg stands up
mayaphrodite correctly guesses chimpanzee.
mayaphrodite wins 128 for guessing correctly.
sa|ch| wins 128 for the sketch.
.UserGameUpdateEvent: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Should only call onDetach when the widget is attached to the browser's document
Tomurai takes a seat
abc efg takes a seat
.UserUpdateEvent: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Should only call onDetach when the widget is attached to the browser's document
Tomurai stands up
abc efg stands up
mayaphrodite's turn to sketch. mayaphrodite adds 128 to the pot.
Every other player adds 32 to the pot.
mimivilee guesses im not a chimpanzee
Nadira guesses huh?
mimivilee guesses lol
abc efg takes a seat
abc efg stands up
abc efg takes a seat
Nadira guesses bottle
abc efg sits out
Nadira guesses lotion
abc efg sits in
Nadira guesses shampoo
abc efg stands up
abc efg takes a seat
Tomurai takes a seat
Tomurai stands up
abc efg stands up
Tomurai takes a seat
Tomurai stands up
abc efg takes a seat
Tomurai takes a seat
abc efg stands up
Tomurai stands up
abc efg takes a seat
Tomurai takes a seat
abc efg stands up
Tomurai stands up
Tomurai takes a seat
abc efg takes a seat
Tomurai stands up
abc efg stands up
abc efg takes a seat
Tomurai takes a seat
abc efg stands up
Tomurai stands up
abc efg takes a seat
Tomurai takes a seat
abc efg stands up
Tomurai stands up
Tomurai takes a seat
abc efg takes a seat
Tomurai stands up
abc efg sits out
Tomurai takes a seat
abc efg sits out
Tomurai stands up
abc efg stands up
Tomurai takes a seat
Tomurai stands up
abc efg takes a seat
Tomurai takes a seat
Tomurai stands up
abc efg stands up
Tomurai takes a seat
abc efg takes a seat
Tomurai stands up
Tomurai takes a seat
abc efg stands up
Tomurai stands up
Tomurai takes a seat
abc efg takes a seat
Tomurai stands up
Tomurai takes a seat
abc efg stands up
Tomurai stands up
sa|ch| stands up
Tomurai takes a seat
abc efg takes a seat
Tomurai stands up
Tomurai takes a seat
abc efg stands up
Tomurai stands up
Tomurai takes a seat
abc efg takes a seat
abc efg stands up
Nadira stands up
abc efg takes a seat
Nadira takes a seat
abc efg stands up
They did this 4 ages lol