Level 33
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kOrRuPt er of the youth
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very honorable player
ProdigalSun on Saturday July 4, 2009
cock sucker
Jslap! on Saturday June 20, 2009
Nothing horrible to say, but if you truce with him watch how he plays. He likes to hang back and watch you die while he builds
red1225 on Wednesday May 13, 2009
shut the fuck up dumb noob
greekboi on Monday May 11, 2009
pretends to lag in first round just to return later on and destroy you... so be aware.
Marcinheaven on Tuesday May 5, 2009
Yep. As you can see from previous reviews, Ultra-Humanite doesn't understand concepts such as "fairness", and "don't attack flagged players", and "stop trying to rub wieners with everyone".
foo foo on Wednesday April 29, 2009
Kill as fast as possible, does not respect flags!
Beagle on Monday April 27, 2009
Classic example of idiot crybaby noob. When he loses he thinks everyone is PGA.
oIkainry38 on Wednesday March 18, 2009
fucktard who attacks players who are flagged below him
buck_futter on Tuesday March 10, 2009
actually, teddy.... you flagged to him and then attacked him right after. It was your dumb move. Yes you wanted to connect... so *ask* if you can take a land to connect instead of flagging and then doing it. Your dumb move... Red respected everyone else's flag just fine, because we didn't pull stupid crap.
mr revenge on Thursday March 5, 2009
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