
The law come to get you if you don't walk right.
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Replies 1 - 10 of 10
TennJed wrote
at 12:09 PM, Monday February 4, 2013 EST
Even lose with quads:
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [3d, 6c]
GazzaChch calls
TennJed checks
Dealing flop: [2s, 2d, 2c]
TennJed checks
GazzaChch checks
Dealing turn: [2h]
TennJed checks
GazzaChch checks
Dealing river: [8d]
TennJed checks
GazzaChch checks
GazzaChch shows [Tc, Ts] for four twos
TennJed shows [3d, 6c] for four twos
GazzaChch wins main pot $100
kellykellymoore wrote
at 11:25 AM, Sunday January 29, 2012 EST
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! to one of the sweetest guys I know. Hope it was a great one. Thanks for being such a great friend, Dan. Hugsss
kellykellymoore wrote
at 9:00 AM, Tuesday February 1, 2011 EST
Good luck in Feb., Dan! Hugs...=)
kellykellymoore wrote
at 8:15 AM, Saturday December 25, 2010 EST
Hey Dan! Hugs to you and hope the New Year is a great one for you.
TennJed wrote
at 9:34 PM, Thursday July 15, 2010 EDT
Live for these flops:

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Kh, Ks]
Gr8Scott calls
Steeler Mom checks
coyotee calls
TennJed raises $5,775
Preston7 folds
Gr8Scott calls
Steeler Mom folds
coyotee calls
Dealing flop: [Kd, 6s, Kc]
Dealing turn: [8c]
Dealing river: [Ah]
coyotee shows [3d, Qc] for a pair of Kings
TennJed shows [Kh, Ks] for four Kings
Gr8Scott shows [Tc, Jc] for a pair of Kings
TennJed wins main pot $4,300
TennJed wins side pot $2,100
TennJed wins side pot $3,350
TennJed wrote
at 6:26 PM, Friday December 4, 2009 EST
Not much $$$ but at least I was all in...

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [6c, Kd]
Hi Yall raises $400
seacol55 calls
TennJed raises $5,035
kwdown calls
agale folds
Hi Yall calls
seacol55 folds
Dealing flop: [5c, Ad, 3c]
kwdown checks
Hi Yall checks
Dealing turn: [7c]
kwdown checks
Hi Yall checks
Dealing river: [4c]
kwdown bets $4,000
Hi Yall folds
TennJed shows [6c, Kd] for a straight flush seven high
kwdown shows [Tc, 2s] for a flush ten high
TennJed wins main pot $15,705
kwdown wins side pot $4,000
TennJed wrote
at 10:24 PM, Wednesday September 30, 2009 EDT
For the medal:

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Jh, Ac]
DMaxnole calls
ijit calls
addicted2iron calls
kiwi folds
carrillo34 folds
TennJed calls
Roddy folds
yourmom666 folds
fickle checks
Dealing flop: [7s, Jd, 5s]
fickle checks
DMaxnole bets $20,000
ijit calls
addicted2iron calls
TennJed raises $277,307
fickle folds
DMaxnole calls
ijit folds
addicted2iron raises $465,000
Dealing turn: [5d]
Dealing river: [2d]
DMaxnole shows [Qs, 8s] for a pair of fives
addicted2iron shows [3s, Js] for two pair, Jacks and fives
TennJed shows [Jh, Ac] for two pair, Jacks and fives
TennJed wins main pot $669,421
TennJed wins side pot $140,000
addicted2iron wins side pot $207,693
DMaxnole stands up
TennJed stands up
kaybeebaybee wrote
at 8:00 AM, Tuesday September 1, 2009 EDT
Hey, TJ...great job on the medals! Thats so cool that you did that! Very proud of you...
TennJed wrote
at 2:28 PM, Friday August 7, 2009 EDT
This is why fake $ sucks there is no way either of these players should have called my bet...

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Jh, Js]
TennJed checks
Aguskill calls
SrDave2000 sits out
SrDave2000 folds
SrDave2000 sits in
ace... folds
happyal calls
montecarlo raises $2,500
pertti77 calls
TennJed calls
Aguskill calls
happyal calls
Dealing flop: [8s, 2d, 6h]
montecarlo bets $3,000
pertti77 calls
TennJed raises $9,000
Aguskill calls
momoneybtw55 takes a seat
happyal folds
montecarlo folds
fnf takes a seat
pertti77 calls
Dealing turn: [7h]
pertti77 checks
TennJed bets $21,000
Aguskill raises $66,092
pertti77 raises $111,184
TennJed calls
Dealing river: [9s]
pertti77 shows [4h, 5s] for a straight nine high
TennJed shows [Jh, Js] for a pair of Jacks
Aguskill shows [2c, 5d] for a straight nine high
pertti77 wins main pot $121,638
Aguskill wins main pot $121,638
pertti77 wins side pot $43,816
pertti77 wins side pot $23,184
TennJed stands up
TennJed wrote
at 10:09 PM, Friday July 31, 2009 EDT
End of the month just like the rest:
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Ac, Jh]
aamike calls
srdavebetterhalf calls
manulata calls
yourmom666 calls
kittykaboodle raises $3,000
Big Hunter 12 folds
IsisBoy calls
TennJed calls
aamike calls
srdavebetterhalf folds
manulata folds
yourmom666 calls
Dealing flop: [Jc, Th, 6h]
IsisBoy checks
TennJed bets $91,000
aamike folds
yourmom666 folds
kittykaboodle calls
manulata sits out
manulata stands up
IsisBoy folds
Dealing turn: [Kc]
Dealing river: [2d]
kittykaboodle shows [9s, Qc] for a straight King high
TennJed shows [Ac, Jh] for a pair of Jacks
kittykaboodle wins main pot $208,000
TennJed stands up
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
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