Level 38
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HafiAdd a review about this player
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Reviews 1 - 10 of 10
flagged me then killed me
Argus on Wednesday February 3, 2010 backstaber dont respects flags ... just a pure asshole
Zippi on Wednesday August 26, 2009 Joins a counter-truce (with, among others, me) then kills me. Do not trust
the brain on Sunday August 23, 2009 piece of shit, ignores flags
ultimata85 on Sunday May 31, 2009 retard
blueowl_atl on Saturday May 30, 2009 Killed me despite of flags and sitting ducks in the game. Kindof annoying.
Gruwaghar on Saturday May 23, 2009 100% ack to the former reviews. Killed me although i was fighting. Didnt respect flags and dont answer to chat. Awful guy.
hatty on Monday April 27, 2009 doesn't respect flag, attacks whatever spot is closest, uses lurker tactics
Horatio Arbunkle on Monday January 5, 2009 doesn't respect flag, plays pga, total pig
imanema99 on Wednesday December 31, 2008 doesnt respect flags and farms when there is no dom
Gurgi on Monday December 29, 2008 |