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You know what I hate about Russian Dolls? They're all so full of themselves.
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Dead as a Dodo wrote
at 2:22 PM, Sunday June 20, 2010 EDT
Cheers for letting me know foxy, I thought they had finished so havent bothered looking out for it. I shall get it as soon as.
MrsBrightside wrote
at 5:00 PM, Saturday June 19, 2010 EDT
Foxy you wern't here :(
buaka wrote
at 4:57 AM, Friday June 11, 2010 EDT
Dead as a Dodo wrote
at 3:54 PM, Thursday June 10, 2010 EDT
Watching the apprentice right now and I'm pretty sure Sir Alan will do a big swerve and fire both the fellas and hire that sickly mini alan child. I can see it coming a mile off.
purplechick wrote
at 8:13 AM, Tuesday June 1, 2010 EDT
My dear Fox,

You've taught me so much ... the difference between pudding and sauce, the odd bits of the cow that we silly Americans have been wasting, tidbits about Joseph Merrick's anatomy, countless gigantic words, and ... well ... acts that cannot be named. I was woefully uneducated before meeting you. How can I thank you enough?
Durfster wrote
at 9:14 AM, Sunday May 16, 2010 EDT

I only signed in for you!
Where have you been? I miss you!
Hope you feel better (if you're still sick) xx
Durfster wrote
at 9:54 PM, Sunday May 9, 2010 EDT
Durfster wrote
at 5:30 PM, Wednesday May 5, 2010 EDT
I'm sad when you aren't online! :(
tashabee wrote
at 12:26 PM, Saturday May 1, 2010 EDT
Mr Foxy, Thanks so much for being such a fun player to be around last month and for making me a toy! I can't wait to see it, love Tasha
cloudberry wrote
at 10:43 AM, Saturday April 24, 2010 EDT
Momus was new to me. New and absolutely fabulous, with extra points for being scottish. I feel like giving you some more music from my hometown so here you go:
figured you might appreciate the weirdness, I'm in love with the two of them.
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