![]() Level 18
to level 19 |
chili12Add a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. honorable man-could have screwed me for my first but didnt and took second-good dude!
grudge on Sunday September 12, 2010 backstabber, then he write review if u kill him, but it is ok if he backstabb.. that doesnt count..
Zoki Balboa on Sunday September 5, 2010 Pure asshole.
Optical on Sunday September 5, 2010 fucking noob... doesent respect flag
Fayron9 on Saturday September 4, 2010 PGA!!
serhattPASA on Friday September 3, 2010 Kind player!
TooGross on Thursday September 2, 2010 ass
iron on Tuesday August 31, 2010 Behaves stupid, attacks after promising a flag under the excuse of "taking it back" which is quite funny, then loses and swears a PGE while he posts an untrue review to your wall. Fair player, trust him. Lol.
Äkäkäkäkä! on Sunday January 25, 2009 flags and keeps attacking, also guns for whoever he sees as most competent early
Horatio Arbunkle on Saturday January 24, 2009 as welcome as a turd on a billiard table
DJCrowther on Friday January 23, 2009 |