Level 43
to level 44


Ride It Like You Stole It!
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This player has been modded by the community

Given a second chance. I trust you will clean up your language. +chat +post holyharlequin 4:19 PM, Tuesday December 29, 2009 EST
Muted for foul language. You can't go around using the "F" word as you please. -chat -post These cards suck 11:22 AM, Sunday June 28, 2009 EDT

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fair player
H0ST on Friday January 16, 2009
Next time watch the hole game botch.. Then U know
Toxim* on Thursday January 15, 2009
just watched this dickhead collude with another player, while they were both flagged for 2nd, to take out first place, a guy who honored their flags and allowed them to fight for their flagged positions. never trust a single thing this cowardly, farming faggot says. permanent PGE.
botch on Thursday January 15, 2009
He treats you the way you treat him... good player
BostonMets5 on Monday January 5, 2009
doesn't respect flags
CheezeMonkey on Monday January 5, 2009
Unfair... Does not respect flags!! Overall just a slimey individual.
Jouster III on Saturday December 20, 2008
fair player
Pically on Thursday December 18, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
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