Level 82
to level 83 |
kakku man...
This player has 5 contributions to the community
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. I may not be a backstabber... but i do...........stab like a narwhal :D
thenarwhal on Thursday January 13, 2011 Awesomest script creator!
Yetihenry on Wednesday January 12, 2011 asshole
Jewslim on Tuesday January 11, 2011 asshole
schwarzbeer on Monday January 10, 2011 asshole
flag under me on Saturday January 8, 2011 fair player
maniii on Tuesday January 4, 2011 if I understand this part correctly,
if (sel1 == 1){ //luck:
var maxL= 0; var minL= 100;
for (var g=1; g<=gameAmount; g++){
what you are doing is that every time you calculate luck, you run through all the rolls so far in the game, if I understand it correctly.
but all you shuold need is to store the luck calcualted so far, and update it like this algorithm does.
because from how i read this, the algorithm will use more and more time for every roll in the game so far, this is obv a waste of time. what I would do is to use one array for the processed data, and one for the unprosessed data. then I would also store the result of the previous calulations. that way you can just continue the calculations and save alot of time.
this is all ofc if I have understoood the concept of the code correctly
mr Kreuzfeld on Tuesday January 4, 2011 fucking wixxer, dont respect flags
Hrsn on Thursday December 16, 2010 +++++ for making THE best improvement to KDice since the introduction of tourneys
jurgen on Monday December 6, 2010 Kakku = <3
@Pink_Taco831 on Wednesday November 24, 2010 |