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disrespects flags, farms
potato27 on Thursday December 4, 2008
Fair player, good conversation.
betterthandavid on Sunday November 30, 2008
I work for the FBI, and noticed that this guy is on our list of Pedophiles. A complete asshole in real life, and on the map. Seriously, he is a danger to himself and anyone around him.
Moviefan on Sunday November 23, 2008
Being a happily married mother of three, I was shocked by verydirtyharry's out of control behaviour in our game of kdice. It started off with me and the kids sitting down to have some fun after dinner, then verydirtyharry asked "just how dirty do you think i am?" I at first ignored the question but then he commented "I am even dirtier than you think you know, you naughty dirty girl". I was shocked as he went into graphic detail about his sexual fantasies including many historical figures such as Joself Stalin, Benito Mussolini and even Adolf Hitler. I was disgusted by the bombardment of innapropriate information and my children are going to have to miss sunday school tommorow because they have been crying all evening. He then retreated to insulting me, verydirtyharry: DOG FUCKER!, The insults were completely unprovoked and very upsetting.
ojay2807 on Saturday November 22, 2008
At first, i thought dirty harry was just an innocent man, that was not very funny but trying to make jokes all the same,- he was making jokes about how he was wanking over various historical figures. This soon changed. It then got annoying, as he moved into detail, i seem to remember that he found Napoleon particularly arousing. Then he just got disturbing, talking about him wanting to "give it" to some of the more unsavoury national figureheads in modern history. References to anal, doggystyle and dominatrix with men who, when you mention their name, the word "genocide" springs to mind, was just unnacceptable, and cannot be tolerated in a civilised society.
parkourfiend on Saturday November 22, 2008
asshole player
oio on Friday November 21, 2008
PGA with turbokits
Dok8888 on Thursday November 20, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary