![]() Level 37
to level 38 |
Cloud9Hi, you're on cloud 9 :D
Add a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. very cool, played honorably
Kitty Tanaka meo on Sunday January 3, 2010 disrespects flags
Buttevar on Thursday April 2, 2009 a total asshole
KuDec on Wednesday April 1, 2009 Stupid player, doesnt respect flags at all!
bazik on Tuesday February 24, 2009 I say that trophy should get a special award :D
Cloud8 on Monday February 9, 2009 LOL. No games and a trophy <3
SprintTx on Wednesday February 4, 2009 Nice to play with
VoluptuousCloud on Tuesday February 3, 2009 Thanx for the positive review: )
potato27 on Thursday January 15, 2009 Was I great person to fight with, he won the tourney straight and fair :) Too bad the last two games where on islands... :)
pityu on Wednesday January 7, 2009 Nicest person you'll ever meet :]
Cloud9 on Saturday December 27, 2008 |