Level 27
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Lucky?Add a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. Backstabs. Accepts your flag then kills you.
Cutting Machine on Wednesday March 2, 2011 Stupid player
phidan on Monday February 28, 2011 Odd duck. Flagged out of a game he'd won when people started complaining about the way he wanted to decide 2/3. Kind of honorable I guess.
PeteyC on Saturday February 12, 2011 Hey u wrote on my wall. Sorry if u had the feeling but im not a PGA player...
Julesy on Friday July 23, 2010 Good player
STEMT on Thursday May 27, 2010 might actually get some points every now and then if he flagged when he was supposed to. oh well, no big loss.
5er on Monday April 19, 2010 *****4-17-2010***** Still a big whiner and pleader, Lucky? Nice to hear from you on 4-16-2010 when you updated your review of me for no apparent reason. You were just passing the time, I guess. *****11-5-2009***** Lucky? (as purple) whined repeatedly throughout our game. He kept asking 1st place "please, be fair, give blue 2nd" and later "please, be fair, give blue 3rd"--over and over. Lucky? did not care about fairness to me. Blue disregarded my flag to him; yellow and I flagged to blue at the same time so that we could fight for 4th. When blue attacked me, I changed my flag from blue to yellow--that is, blue attacked me after I flagged to him, so I attacked blue. A fair fight between blue and me wasn't good enough for Lucky? who kept pleading with 1st place, "please, brown, be fair, give blue 2nd" and later "please, brown, give blue 3rd." Brown, in 1st place, did the right and honorable thing: he stayed out of it. I beat blue. The lesson: for Lucky?, fairness is whatever HE wants to happen--in this case, helping his apparent good friend blue. If blue wasn't your friend, why did you spend so much time and effort acting like a mother in court pleading for her son's life? Why did it matter so much to you? Why was it your business? Still, nice relativistic ethics there, Lucky?.
oakcliff on Saturday April 17, 2010 sore loser
KuDec on Wednesday December 23, 2009 loser
TheBetterYodel on Wednesday November 18, 2009 nice player
gga on Wednesday November 18, 2009 |