Level 30
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sits on a island on a torniment and holds the whole tournament up just for him to finish 2nd.. but it was funny, to tell the truth...
Papagena on Friday February 13, 2009
sits on a island on a torniment and holds the whole tournament up just for him to finish 2nd.. it was round 62 faggot! dumbass
Jordan5000 on Friday February 13, 2009
sits on a island on a torniment and holds the whole tonriment up just for him to finish 2nd.. it was round 62 faggot!
xdidimox on Friday February 13, 2009
asswipe with an exploit on her side
Horatio Arbunkle on Friday February 13, 2009
Has no honor, fucker
grodriguezbm on Friday February 13, 2009
Flags and attacks.
Roll Over on Tuesday February 3, 2009
Kind nice player, a pleasure to play with her!
GSK on Sunday January 4, 2009
Honorable fair player.
Caephus on Thursday December 18, 2008
Honorable player, made other players on the board keep their word (player made verbal flag then tried to flag higher)
leeeroy jenkins on Thursday December 11, 2008
Funny review by Henrik..he screws me over in the past (see my dated review on his page) then is surprised when I dont respect his two territory, 4th place flag. And why does he call me "she"? Guess cuz he anally raped me in the past, and in his mind I am a female...
Serendipity on Sunday December 7, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
Online Pictionary