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aside from being the dooshiest of all manhole fart sniffer turd snugglers of all time.. hes ok
Hokey Pokey on Saturday November 19, 2011
well, ryan is a classic backstabber
fonzkopp on Tuesday October 25, 2011
Unfair player. Backstabber
Mandoulis on Monday October 10, 2011
asshole, if you couldn't already tell by his avatar
LordCthulhu on Monday October 10, 2011
2011-10-09 ryan0000 reviewed me (in response to my review of him): "jesus. get a life. how long did that take you? hahah." Web boys and chat jerks like ryan0000 have plenty of time for spewing their vulgarities and rudeness, so their silly 'get a life' comments have no standing. They don't care how THEY waste their time being rude, why would they now care about how others spend their time? We know the answer, Dear Readers--they HATE being called out for their bad behavior. They HATE it. So they 'respond' as best they can even if it makes no sense as a 'defense' of the indefensible--their rudeness. Plus, someone should really teach ryan0000 how to copy-and-paste; he seems to think it is incredibly difficult and time consuming. ++++++++++ 2011-09-21 ryan0000 is a chat jerk, web boy, and wannabe bully. So PROUD is he of his 'medals' and that, as he puts it below, 'i play 2000s faggot' that he does not know how to be civil and polite. Rudeness and incivility are the only ways ryan0000 knows. He SAYS he doesn't care about the 0 tables or about what anyone says, but he cries and whines like a baby if you call him what he is. With no power in his real life, ryan0000 acts out his power fantasies here because he gets a little thrill from the anonymity of the Internet. He says, "Watch me be bad and no one can do anything about it." Thankfully, ryan0000 will HATE this review and never get over it. It will nag at him the rest of his life. Only by NOT reacting will it 'prove' that he doesn't HATE it, but he will have to react. That is what web boys and chat jerks do. ++++++++++ @andshowalt: flag green ---------- ryan0000: round 2? ---------- ryan0000: should be killed first for that ########## [Note: Does ryan0000 overreact much? No, it is just an excuse to be aggressive and get his little thrill.] ---------- @andshowalt: nerd ---------- ryan0000: pussy ########## ---------- ryan0000: grow a pair ---------- ryan0000: round2? ---------- K1itzy: tooo early for that ---------- Paul Dickman: and he has zero points ---------- ryan0000: blue = 7th ---------- Paul Dickman: what he gonna lose ---------- ryan0000: exactly ---------- ryan0000: proving himself a complete pussy ########## ---------- 3.14159: or a survivor? ---------- ryan0000: no... a pussy. ########## ---------- 3.14159: or a survivor? ---------- ryan0000: no... a pussy. ########## [Note: Yes, we each repeated our sentences.] ---------- Paul Dickman: its round two how is that a survivor ---------- @andshowalt: its kdice ---------- ryan0000: 'its kdice' ---------- ryan0000: what does that even mean ---------- ryan0000: shut your stupid mouth ########## [Note: ryan0000 is getting VERY upset, Dear Readers, don't you think?] ---------- @andshowalt: nerd ---------- StArS: ryan is wayy too hostile ---------- ryan0000: u realize purple ---------- 3.14159: ryan0000 is just another chat jerk and web boy ---------- ryan0000: that 4 5 6 ---------- ryan0000: u just get 0 points ---------- 3.14159: they will always be with us ---------- StArS: lol ---------- StArS: i dont care about your points sweetheart ---------- ryan0000: no your points ---------- ryan0000: u silly cunt ########## ---------- ryan0000: pay attention ---------- StArS: look bitch ---------- K1itzy: fuck you ryan ---------- StArS: watch your god damn mouth ---------- @andshowalt: i think hes 12. i have proof ---------- ryan0000: suck my dick, whore ########## ---------- StArS: no thx ---------- K1itzy: i fucked your mom ---------- @andshowalt: go pi! [Note: Referring to a move in the game.] ---------- StArS: teal, i will flag out if you wanna kill him ---------- StArS: cos he's retarded ---------- ryan0000: cry more you dumb cunt ########## [Note: ryan0000 feels SUCH a thrill using naughty words doesn't he, Dear Readers?] ---------- StArS: and i dont like him ---------- StArS: lol ---------- 3.14159: who has flagged? anyone? ---------- StArS: your mom is a cunt ---------- fats29: ill flag 2 teal ---------- StArS: me ---------- ryan0000: everyone flags ---------- StArS: yellow doesnt ---------- StArS: kill him ---------- 3.14159: ryan, i do NOT accept your flag ---------- StArS: lol ---------- ryan0000: AWW SHUCKS ---------- ryan0000: like i give a fuck ########## [Note: He doth protest too much, of course. It bothers him VERY much just as he HATES this review and will never get over it.] ---------- 3.14159: chat jerks and web boys like you get no consideration ---------- 3.14159: "whatever" you mean? ---------- ryan0000: its a 0 table, lol ########## [Note: ryan0000 damns himself with that statement, but he doesn't know it.] ---------- @andshowalt: its cause hes a nerd ---------- ryan0000: see those dice next to my name? ########## [Note: He meant SEE THOSE DICE NEXT TO MY NAME? He says something similar at restaurants: "Don't you know who I am?" ryan0000 yells at the waiter.] ---------- ryan0000: i play 2000s faggot ########## [Note: That is a big deal, right Dear Readers? Being civil and polite mean nothing, but 'play 2000s f*ggot' is important.] ---------- @andshowalt: nerd ---------- 3.14159: "it's an f*in internet game" you mean? ---------- ryan0000: this is just time killin ########## [Note: Hmmmm, but he is SO upset we don't believe his denials.] ---------- 3.14159: your rudeness belongs on the 2000s too ---------- ryan0000: need a tissue? ---------- ryan0000 has left ---------- @andshowalt: yes ---------- @andshowalt: oh ---------- K1itzy: finally ---------- K1itzy: what a dick ---------- 3.14159: chat jerk and web boy ---------- 3.14159: and wannabe bully ---------- @andshowalt: aw haha ---------- 3.14159: no manners, self-serving only ---------- @andshowalt: just call them nerds ---------- 3.14159: nerds are usually polite ----------
3.14159 on Sunday October 9, 2011
clearly a backstabber, looked for a very weak excuse to backstab. Shit attitude too
lufcjosh1 on Saturday October 8, 2011
a kid that plays without any honor :C a pitty for all and for the game :C
Xifis on Saturday October 8, 2011
PGA with KutlukBilge
ktom on Monday October 3, 2011
A-One idiot. will kill on sight
wwidww on Saturday October 1, 2011
Piece of shit and he knows it. He wanted me to flag in a 100 game when I couldnt flag 2nd so he kills me instead. Fucking faggot.
pooIparty on Thursday September 29, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary