Level 16
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Reviews 1 - 9 of 9

a fucking ass
muehleck83 on Wednesday December 9, 2009
all that negativ reviews are true :) total whiny noob
running turtle on Wednesday November 25, 2009
flags then backstabs
Zete02 on Wednesday November 25, 2009
Cried after i 8v7'ed him instead of 8v5'ing a WEAKER player >_< Then left me a rude review because of the roll--- Then to make things even better for him, he creates multiple accounts and leaves me the SAME review with them... Original >_> How i know it is him? Same review and also the player in mention 'Wlnner robot' has not played a single game; meaning it is impossible for me to have played negatively against this player... Clap for obvious kevin- this will be reported to a mod...
Parian on Thursday October 22, 2009
? what is that cunt parian talking about? just read her reviews
kevinpats on Thursday October 22, 2009
cinzano on Friday October 9, 2009
Lies on verbal flags, be carefull
EvanParr on Monday October 5, 2009
damn... he changed his mind 3 time a game, falling right into my back, after telling me we were fine..
Lotoreo on Monday December 15, 2008
Makes a sailor blush.
alcaras on Monday December 8, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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