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pga with dalek_
checho on Sunday April 19, 2009
PGA PGA Kill him if u can,,plas is an idiot cara de bulto
Isidro L on Sunday April 19, 2009
this guy has a problem with english and analyzing information... don't say anything that can be wrongly understood if you take the sentence out of the context, he will use it as an argument for his braindamaged decisions...
lenny77 on Tuesday March 24, 2009
Honestly I never saw some boddy playing like he do? No respect at all for flag. Even no explaination why.
Nachor on Sunday March 15, 2009
but every one get his flagged place at the end!!!
dalek_ on Sunday March 8, 2009
like donmarino said hits flagged players for dom
gen. sherman on Sunday March 8, 2009
Steals dom from people who are flagged.
DonMarino on Sunday March 8, 2009
OVILON ASSHOLE on Monday February 23, 2009
is a prat
Scoobs on Tuesday January 20, 2009
He's a backstabber, promising to flag but not keeping his word after others cleaned the way for him.
-buc- on Friday January 9, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
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