Level 45
to level 46


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This player has been modded by the community

Came to an agreement and understanding with user. No harm done. Please refrain in future usage of foul language while on the website. +chat +post These cards suck 12:12 AM, Tuesday September 15, 2009 EDT
Sick of listening to him cry about his avatar. User still muted til Oct 1st. +changeAvatar These cards suck 11:55 PM, Monday September 14, 2009 EDT
User muted for using the "F" word over and over I ask nice and kindly to stop. User continued to use the word. Muted till at least Oct 1st 2009 -changeAvatar -chat -post -avatar These cards suck 6:40 PM, Monday September 14, 2009 EDT

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jeez -play for a curse word?
FuriousDas on Monday September 14, 2009
LLLLLLLLLLLMMMMMMMMMMFFFFFFFFFFAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO So, you have the absolute power to wipe me out? ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT POWER NOW!!!! HOLY SHIT that was funny!!!! I kicked your ASS after you were your usual arrogant prick self. Serves you right. Now GET A LIFE!
RawHide on Thursday September 10, 2009
Possibly the WORST kdice player in the history of the game, and with the idiots that play this game thats saying a WHOLE LOT! Kill him at once, and sit back and watch him cry, whine and throw a tantrum. KDICE IS HIS LIFE.. pretty fuckin sad.
IIIllIIIll on Thursday September 10, 2009
shit s off, it s time for love!
FilipL on Tuesday September 8, 2009
Ur right it does make me look like an idiot! lol
TheBetterYodel on Monday September 7, 2009
don't trust this one, lol. a laugh a minute though with the gradeschool obscenities.
LinkWorth on Friday September 4, 2009
Could've betrayed me and taken 1st but didn't. Kept his word.
Archaeus on Thursday September 3, 2009
doesn t respect flags, and ask people to do same
Anivel on Tuesday July 28, 2009
he never respect flag as other guys write,he is gay farmer, so he will attack u anyway.
aida-ludens on Monday July 27, 2009
big ass hole pga with dasfury and goscha
viana on Sunday July 26, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
Online Pictionary