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trucer retard
Buchek on Monday December 17, 2012
reminds me of the shit I had this morning
I Pitty The Fool on Tuesday December 4, 2012
little fucking cocksucker and backstabber. never trust. kill at sight.
avigdor on Saturday December 1, 2012
one of that nice ppl who need to jump of the roof IRL
Zuma on Monday November 26, 2012
he is a fucking retard. kill on sight
Studi on Sunday November 18, 2012
2012-11-05 MJI is a Level 51 chat jerk of the "how can anyone do anything that hurts my chances of winning" type. And here is what I said about him in my earlier review (see below): "MJI is Level 51 with two medals, but he is a Kdice jerk who flags in Round 3 on a 0 table and claims it isn't about the points." All chat below is verbatim as it always is. ++++++++++ MJI: and what brown? ########## [Note: I did a standard opening move connect. Nothing unusual at all in Round 1, but MJI cannot believe anyone would hurt his chances like that--especially with his 6-stack sitting there.] ---------- 3.14159: yellow, i didn't know we were supposed to let you win ---------- r0n: now you know ---------- 3.14159: yep ---------- MJI: it has nothing to do with winning ---------- 3.14159: i didn't see your comments about any other moves--only the moves that hurt YOU ---------- MJI: and I do not know who taught you those dumb sayings but you take care of your head man ########## [Note: One of the great non-sequitors of any chat jerk I have gone up against--"tkae care of your head man."] ---------- 3.14159: that is called "whining" ---------- r0n: I think green is upset ---------- MJI: why blue is not playing? ---------- MJI: lol ---------- r0n: he ran out of vagisil ---------- 3.14159: "take care of your head man"? what does that mean? ---------- MJI: almost ---------- g00b1: flag teal ---------- r0n: dont bump your head ---------- 3.14159: just saying ---------- r0n: against hard objects ---------- g00b1: flag yell ---------- r0n: why does green always pussy flag? [Note: g00b1 is green. He ALWAYS flags early, it seems.] ---------- MJI: ty, green ---------- r0n: oh, cause he's a big pussy ---------- 3.14159: no, you know why? because he is a backstabber ---------- 3.14159: i didn't even notice him ---------- r0n: is he? ---------- 3.14159: check his reviews... ---------- 3.14159: he flags early, builds up, backstabs ---------- 3.14159: it is how he got all his trophies ---------- MJI: noobish luck ########## [Note: "noobish"] ---------- r0n: I thought he got them from giving good blowjobs? ---------- 3.14159: "noobish"?!? is this 2005? does anyone still say "noob"? ---------- r0n: yes ---------- r0n: it remains a part of the vernacular ---------- 3.14159: yes--yellow does!? ---------- MJI: that is so funny ---------- r0n: what do the kids say now? ---------- 3.14159: that was a lame response, yellow ---------- g00b1: 3.14, you've got a LOT of opinions, eh? ---------- r0n: flag domnul ---------- 3.14159: g00b1, i only call the bad guys out when i see them--you are one of them ---------- 3.14159: check my history *he said proudly* ---------- g00b1: LO ---------- g00b1: L ---------- 3.14159: YOU can't ask anyone to check YOUR history ---------- g00b1: look at your reviews ---------- 3.14159: you are embarrassed by it ---------- r0n: g00b would blow a homeless man for imaginary kdice points ---------- g00b1: 3.14, how old are you? ---------- 3.14159: you might be right, red ---------- g00b1: how old are you? ---------- MJI: they both look rather immature ---------- MJI: one by one green ---------- 3.14159: immature, of course--we play kdice... ---------- MJI: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: but we aren't uneducated as you are, yellow ---------- 3.14159: and we aren't backstabbers like g00b1 ---------- g00b1: it's astonishing that you bully people on kdice ---------- r0n: g00b molests children ---------- MJI: the world would be full of geniuses if that was true ---------- g00b1: your reviews say you backstab, 3.14 ---------- g00b1: explain that ---------- 3.14159: i bully backstabbers! yes, yes i do ---------- g00b1: why does your reviews say you're a backstabber? ---------- 3.14159: because the bad guys HATE their own words in their reviews ---------- 3.14159: so they make up stuff ---------- 3.14159: my reviews contain VERBATIM chat ---------- 3.14159: try it sometime ---------- r0n: gg ---------- r0n: 3rd ---------- g00b1: you're the kind of punk i kick the shit out of in real life ########## ---------- r0n: O SNAP ---------- r0n: IRL ---------- g00b1: wish i could meet you ########## ---------- r0n: O HE WOULD KICK YOUR ASS ---------- 3.14159: i bet you do, g00b1--wish away ---------- MJI: I just wonder if you respected my flag, r0n ---------- r0n: goob would throw a punch, then flag you 2 seconds later ---------- g00b1: good one? ---------- r0n: what flag? ---------- MJI: 3r ---------- 3.14159: i bet g00b1 kicks puppies in real life--a backstabber like g00b1 would do that ---------- r0n: I need one to get thrui ---------- MJI: no ---------- g00b1: you can't even spell ---------- MJI: through brown ---------- MJI: dont try to save brown ---------- 3.14159: here you go, red ---------- 3.14159: save me? i don't care about this game :) ---------- MJI: flag out then ---------- 3.14159: see? ---------- MJI: right ---------- 3.14159: "right"?!? ---------- MJI: and dont return ---------- 3.14159: what an idiot MJI is ---------- r0n: sry, tried to kill the pussy ---------- 3.14159: a Level 51 idiot ---------- MJI: you are a true retard ########## [Note: "retard"] ---------- MJI: pi ---------- 3.14159: with two 'trophies' ---------- 3.14159: "retard" too? wow ---------- 3.14159: "noob" AND "retard" in his actual chat ---------- 3.14159: wow ---------- r0n: noobtard ---------- MJI: I dont care about trphies and other stuff you cant get ---------- 3.14159: that i don't want, you mean ---------- 3.14159: i ONLY play the 0 tables ---------- 3.14159: i don't play for points at all ---------- MJI: it is your disaster ---------- g00b1 has left ---------- 3.14159: i play for... ---------- 3.14159: drumroll... ---------- 3.14159: fun ---------- MJI: I am not too much interested actually ########## [Note: ??? Then why is he chatting so much?] ---------- 3.14159: MJI takes kdice seriously!?! ---------- r0n: I play for the titties ---------- 3.14159: you are SO uninterested you keep chatting ---------- MJI: just get lost, man ---------- MJI: you suck ---------- 3.14159: brilliant ---------- 3.14159: GREAT comeback ---------- 3.14159: "you suck" AND "noob" AND "retard"--wow ---------- r0n: only good g00b is a dead g00b ---------- MJI: at least you ve learnt smth ---------- 3.14159: you shouldn't have done THAT, teal--MJI will cry about it ---------- 3.14159: right MJI? ---------- 3.14159: cat got your tongue MJI? ---------- r0n: g00b is sucking on it ---------- r0n: R ---------- r0n: O ---------- r0n: F ---------- r0n: L ---------- 3.14159: i don't think MJI is a backstabbing weasel like g00b1 is... ---------- 3.14159: MJI is just a jerk kdice player ---------- 3.14159: he thinks he is slumming on the 0 tables ---------- 3.14159: so he pretends to comment about a play when he is really crying about it ---------- 3.14159: right MJI? ---------- 3.14159: cat got your tongue still MJI? ---------- 3.14159: you know, i think MJI figured out that i post all bad guy's chat VERBATIM--so he isn't talking ---------- 3.14159: right MJI? ---------- 3.14159: you can't say anything nice so you are keeping quiet, MJI? ---------- 3.14159: good ---------- 3.14159: that is your first step on the road to civilized behavior ---------- r0n: did you hear what he said about your momma? ---------- r0n: he said she blows g00b for candy corn ---------- 3.14159: good for you, MJI--you so quickly realized the error of your ways ---------- 3.14159: not too many chat jerks like MJI catch on that quickly that they can turn away from the path of error ---------- 3.14159: good for him ---------- MJI: the path is yours, brown ########## [Note: MJI ends his self-imposed silence.] ---------- r0n: he speaks! ---------- r0n: "Brown, green raped me!" ---------- MJI: Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. ---------- MJI: retards ########## ---------- r0n: gtfo nerd ---------- 3.14159: it took him all that time to google that ---------- MJI has left ---------- 3.14159: what a loser ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2012-10-09 MJI is Level 51 with two medals, but he is a Kdice jerk who flags in Round 3 on a 0 table and claims it isn't about the points. Save that stuff for the higher tables, MJI. All chat below is verbatim as it always is. MJI is yellow, I am blue. ++++++++++ MJI: flag red ########## [Note: Flag in Round 3 on a 0 table. I am not the only one who notices.] ---------- Tw1NNy: ok ---------- Krustalicious: 3rd round flag zero table ---------- Krustalicious: tough stuff ---------- Krustalicious: you must need those points =0) kinda pathetic ---------- Krustalicious has left ---------- 3.14159: hey, if it gets him points and off of the 0 tables, great ---------- Tw1NNy: lol not going to moan lol ---------- Tw1NNy: brown you got mauled on your way ---------- MJI: another noob ########## [Note: Really, Dear Readers, does anyone still say "noob"?] ---------- 3.14159: go get another medal, yellow ---------- MJI: np, red ---------- 3.14159: 2 just isn't impressive ---------- MJI: I will kill that noob ---------- 3.14159: does anyone still say noob? ---------- MJI: I dont care about medals ########## [Note: Sure he doesn't.] ---------- 3.14159: other than yellow? ---------- 3.14159: why flag in Round 3 then? ---------- 3.14159: you don't know any other way to play? ---------- MJI: I can flag whatever works for me ---------- 3.14159: yes you CAN flag--we all CAN flag--the rest of us don't ---------- 3.14159: don't be embarrassed, yellow--stand up for your rights! ---------- MJI: I do not argue with people whom I do not respect ---------- MJI: I am sorry ---------- 3.14159: you are sorry, i agree ---------- 3.14159: Round 3 flag on a 0 table ---------- 3.14159: that IS sorry ---------- MJI: did you flag red? ---------- 3.14159: did i? no ---------- MJI: oh, so you are waiting for some number of rounds? ---------- MJI: very interesting ---------- 3.14159: not at all--i am not flagging to red ---------- MJI: even more funny ########## [Note: Pwned MJI there! If "noob" is still around then "pwned" must be too, right?] ---------- 3.14159: nice of red to protect you--and nice of you to flag to him in Round 3 ---------- 3.14159: convenient even ---------- MJI: dont be envious ---------- 3.14159: do i seem envious? ---------- MJI: yeah ---------- Tw1NNy: ill maul who ever lol ---------- 3.14159: don't i seem scornful? ---------- 3.14159: isn't that a more likely take on my view? ---------- MJI: rflag is up ---------- 3.14159: scorn it is and scorn it remains ---------- MJI: just flag out, blue [Note: We see, Dear Readers, how MJI likes to play Kdice--he makes it the flagging game. Who can flag earliest and most often gets some points.] ---------- 3.14159: YOU care about points, yellow, not i ---------- MJI: neither do I ########## [Note: Yes, flagging in Round 3 on a 0 table is all about...--what was it again?] ---------- 3.14159: let's fight then ---------- MJI: sure come over ---------- MJI: you had to flag red ########## [Note: MJI is so small-minded. No, I did NOT have to flag to red and I didn't.] ---------- Skerdikas: hey noobs ---------- Tw1NNy: take what ever you want ill watch this lol ---------- MJI: and we could have fought ---------- Skerdikas: sharing 10-40 pts ---------- Skerdikas: ?:D ---------- MJI: blue is a total noob, man ########## [Note: Is "total noob" different from "noob"? I'll have to consult my Dictionary of Ancient Internet Terms.] ---------- 3.14159: yellow still says "noob" -- what is he from, 2009? ---------- MJI: lets see ---------- Skerdikas: good blue you just have lost it ---------- 3.14159: did red spot you enough of a lead, yellow? ---------- Tw1NNy: ill make it fair ---------- MJI: luck is helping you a lot though ########## [Note: Dear Readers, we ALL knew that MJI would whine and cry with the "luck" card didn't we? Yes, we did.] ---------- Skerdikas: flag out and let me play ---------- 3.14159: time for yellow to say "unbelievable luck for you blue" ---------- 3.14159: right yellow? ---------- MJI: you won all the rolls, or you would attribute that to your great skills? ---------- 3.14159: not at all, but it was time for you to whine again ---------- Skerdikas: blue i gonna pge you if you don't flag out ########## [Note: Skerdikas is a wannabe comedian.] ---------- Skerdikas: and waste my time ########## [Note: Unlike playing Kdice itself, one imagines.] ---------- MJI: great that I got a chance to play with such a genius [Note: Ah, MJI sees it now.] ---------- 3.14159: i admit it: your typing skills won you 2nd, yellow ########## [Note: GREAT line from me!] ---------- MJI: I will kill that noob asap ---------- 3.14159: "flag red" got you 2nd ########## ---------- MJI: ah ---------- 3.14159: quite skillful typing, really ---------- Tw1NNy: haha you have apoint blue ########## [Note: See? Even red agrees.] ---------- Tw1NNy: i normally have a do at early flaggers too ########## [Note: "Early flaggers"! Like MJI!] ---------- MJI: incredible.. ---------- 3.14159: "amazing luck, blue"--there i said it for you ---------- Tw1NNy: but im not going to moan ---------- MJI: nah, it is regular, yellow ---------- MJI: ahh, such retards suck... ########## [Note: I am a "retard," but I am 10 times smarter than MJI. What does that make him?] ---------- 3.14159: gg all but yellow ---------- Tw1NNy: gg ---------- MJI: gg ---------- MJI: which means you are you? ---------- MJI: you and you? ---------- 3.14159: everyone at the table to start the game--except yellow ---------- 3.14159: d'uh
3.14159 on Monday November 5, 2012
Note to self: remember not to respect.
Äkäkäkäkä! on Tuesday October 23, 2012
wannabe pro. hahaha. just too pathetic.
AIfons on Sunday October 14, 2012
nice player
dogiscan on Sunday October 14, 2012
ALgoreEXCELSIOR on Tuesday October 9, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary