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Unacceptable username and unacceptable chat. -changeAvatar -chat -play -post skrumgaer 2:46 PM, Saturday April 21, 2012 EDT

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pga with Cpt.Mozz
Dorke on Saturday May 23, 2009
He is very childish and foul mouthed. Deffinately seems like the sort of person that is shy and quiet in person, but on here they become their alter ego, perhaps to compensate for their lack of confidence in the real world. I pity this guy, I tried to be friendly and play the game fairly with him, but he took the piss out of my mum even after I told him that she had died of cancer fairly recently. I wouldn't expect any decent human being with a shred of humanity to do that, I rest my case. I have no quarrel with the way he played, just his manner in the chat.
Known2Own on Friday May 22, 2009
ufatfuck nice foul name. this dementoid leaves same reviews on other ppl saying they trashed his supposed "dead cancerous mother." (ie if you see thymic review you will see same exact cut and copy remarks) i never even wrote anything on him nor talked about his "dead mother." that is quite pathetic using your mother to gain sympathy. shows what a giant douchebaby he is. my vote for biggest douchebaby on kdice
nadowns on Friday May 22, 2009
dont respect flags.... just shit talking... unbelievable... dont trust him anyway
Abraaaaaa on Wednesday May 20, 2009
Flags to me in the second turn, which i accepted, but needed to take two of his 8 lands to get to the other area of the board to get first, told him, then he freaked out and cut me ufatfuck: nice yellow ufatfuck: I flag of course matt francis: i was just trying to build my base up top red, i accept your flag matt francis: i need to get that six out trshipp1: i flag to red and yellow. :[] matt francis: what are you doing red, you flagged to me???? Jey Baker: that swhat i call flagged ufatfuck: I said I flagged... and then you proceed to attack me twice matt francis: i told you why, and i told you i accept your flag, i was going to make sure that i won ufatfuck: u shoudl say so ufatfuck: BEFORE ufatfuck: u atatck me ufatfuck: I will accept your flag matt francis: i figured it was quite obvious that i needed my large stacks up top matt francis: you are an ass, okay, ill flag 2 ufatfuck: u r 2nd
matt francis on Tuesday May 19, 2009
He is very childish and foul mouthed. Deffinately seems like the sort of person that is shy and quiet in person, but on here they become their alter ego, perhaps to compensate for their lack of confidence in the real world. I pity this guy, I tried to be friendly and play the game fairly with him, but he took the piss out of my mum even after I told him that she had died of cancer fairly recently. I wouldn't expect any decent human being with a shred of humanity to do that, I rest my case. I have no quarrel with the way he played, just his manner in the chat.
Gleekin on Monday May 18, 2009
asshole, backstabbs...
D-Xtreme on Monday May 18, 2009
He is very childish and foul mouthed. Deffinately seems like the sort of person that is shy and quiet in person, but on here they become their alter ego, perhaps to compensate for their lack of confidence in the real world. I pity this guy, I tried to be friendly and play the game fairly with him, but he took the piss out of my mum even after I told him that she had died of cancer fairly recently. I wouldn't expect any decent human being with a shred of humanity to do that, I rest my case. I have no quarrel with the way he played, just his manner in the chat.
MrMcCartney on Monday May 18, 2009
dont respect a stronger player...childish...i thought he was fair, but made a mistake...
MeanM@ on Sunday May 17, 2009
idiot...PGA man you do not see the flag
Gravo on Saturday May 16, 2009
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