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xMRSlovett wrote
at 6:22 AM, Saturday February 28, 2009 EST
Yes, okay.
xtobias_ragg97 wrote
at 2:54 AM, Saturday February 28, 2009 EST
28th of feburary

notice the nominations have been extended a week so i can get to make the paper more popular
xtobias_ragg97 wrote
at 2:53 AM, Saturday February 28, 2009 EST
page 3

get to know the founder
age: 12
star sign: aquaris
dob: 6/2/97
favourite band:paramore... gotta have paramore
fave. book: twilight saga
fav. movie: sweeney todd (2007)
fav. song: decode
fav. player of xsketch: i don't have a distinct fav
person who told me about xsketch:xMrslovett
fav. sketch: none i SUCK
next issue this will be a Q&A section
xtobias_ragg97 wrote
at 2:23 AM, Saturday February 28, 2009 EST
page 2

xtobias_ragg97: interview with 1st place player
xtobias_ragg97: so how very nice to meet you
acidfud: nice to meet you too!
xtobias_ragg97: so is there anyone you would like to thank
xtobias_ragg97: before we go on
acidfud: everyone! for all the games and fun
xtobias_ragg97: so question 1: for all the people who aren't very good, what would you suggest to make them better
acidfud: watch the higher tables to get a better idea on how to be a better drawer and guesser
xtobias_ragg97: question 2: what is your highest score?
acidfud: my current one 461,746
xtobias_ragg97: in a week?
acidfud: no the full month
xtobias_ragg97: so what is your highest score that you've made in a week?
acidfud: i really cant remember lol
xtobias_ragg97: a day?
acidfud: my average is 10-15k, most is 40k or so
xtobias_ragg97: question 3 it isn't all fun and games, have you ever gotten banned?
acidfud: um, may i pass?
xtobias_ragg97: i know i almost got banned when i was new to the xsketch world
xtobias_ragg97: yes
acidfud: lol
xtobias_ragg97: question 4 no you may not
acidfud: haha
xtobias_ragg97: question 4 (the real one) have you made another account?
xtobias_ragg97: i'll take it as pass?
acidfud: no i have not
acidfud: but sure, pass lol
xtobias_ragg97: why did you pass question 3...just out of curisoity?
xtobias_ragg97: personal reasons?
acidfud: yes
xtobias_ragg97: ok now as the final question
xtobias_ragg97: question 5 did you have an account on kdice or gpokr before xsketch
acidfud: nope, sketch was my first site out of the 3
xtobias_ragg97: now as a trial you can ask me question
acidfud: which is your favorite? poker, dice or sketch?
xtobias_ragg97: i can't decide i love them most equally
acidfud: lol
xtobias_ragg97: well first do you know xmrslovett
acidfud: yes, ive seen the name
acidfud: why so?
xtobias_ragg97: because she is my real life next door neighbour
acidfud: wow!!
acidfud: coolcool
acidfud: same age?
xtobias_ragg97: i found xsketch because she was playing it one time
xtobias_ragg97: we're not the same age
acidfud: oh nice!
xtobias_ragg97: her little brother is about 5 months ,well 4 3/4 months younger than i and we get along well
acidfud: awww
acidfud: same school and stuff?
xtobias_ragg97: no
acidfud: ah
xtobias_ragg97: well i'd hate to stop but we have enough footage goodbye for now
acidfud: bye
xtobias_ragg97 wrote
at 8:26 PM, Friday February 27, 2009 EST
i had to repost page one because lei wasn't wanting to take part
read the one towards the top
xtobias_ragg97 wrote
at 8:25 PM, Friday February 27, 2009 EST
xtobias_ragg97: xtra xtra xtobias_ragg97 is annoyed....stay tuned for more details
xMRSlovett: O_o.
xMRSlovett: -Is tuned-
xtobias_ragg97: i guessed the pinball one as moderator
xtobias_ragg97: replay
xMRSlovett: Yay hair is dry
xMRSlovett: Brb.
xMRSlovett: screen shot :P
xtobias_ragg97: mom is making me go to softball or stay home....alone
xMRSlovett: Damn
xMRSlovett: Lol
xMRSlovett: Oh
xMRSlovett: I would hate that.
xMRSlovett: Brb
xtobias_ragg97: interview with a mod.
xtobias_ragg97: so lei is being a mod easy?
xtobias_ragg97: answers after the break.....
xtobias_ragg97: cheesy cheese roll
xtobias_ragg97: buy your cheesy cheese roll today and get a free chess set
xtobias_ragg97: that's right a free chess set
xtobias_ragg97: ....we're back with interview with a player
TheCinders: i want a cheesey cheese roll
xtobias_ragg97: in stead lets watch the interview that i did of my ndn xmrslovett
xMRSlovett: Back
xMRSlovett: Um..
xMRSlovett: Wow, dude.. While I am thinking of it
xMRSlovett: Ricky... jump on youtube and type in 'LOUDnessBABIE' and scrossdowmn to the Mysterious Ticking Noise
xtobias_ragg97: yeah
TheCinders: you can call me nannerpus nannerpus, and oyu know, i like pancakes ♫
xMRSlovett: It's mine and my friends winning performance in our schools talent quest yesterday
xMRSlovett: I had to laugh when we won.. You'll se why when you watch it.
TheCinders: i want bananas and pancakes now
xtobias_ragg97: the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxi6TCi4ZWk
xMRSlovett: Yep.
xMRSlovett: Watch it
xMRSlovett: I g2g
xMRSlovett: Cya x
xtobias_ragg97: so an interview with cinny
xtobias_ragg97: ?
xtobias_ragg97: after the break
TheCinders: .
xtobias_ragg97: the cheesy cheese roll promotion was so popular that
xtobias_ragg97: we picked a random buyer
xtobias_ragg97: and they win the cheese for a year prize
xtobias_ragg97: the winner is TheCinders
TheCinders: yaaay
xtobias_ragg97: you have 1 minute to collect your prize
xtobias_ragg97: ...we're back at xsketch news central
xtobias_ragg97: with our interview of the now winner of the cheesy cheese roll promoition
xtobias_ragg97: would the cinders collect the promo.
TheCinders: *gets the cheesey cheese roll*
xtobias_ragg97 wrote
at 7:55 PM, Friday February 27, 2009 EST
xtobias_ragg97: xtra xtra xtobias_ragg97 is annoyed....stay tuned for more details
xMRSlovett: O_o.
xMRSlovett: -Is tuned-
xtobias_ragg97: i guessed the pinball one as moderator
xtobias_ragg97: replay
xMRSlovett: Yay hair is dry
xMRSlovett: Brb.
xMRSlovett: screen shot :P
xtobias_ragg97: mom is making me go to softball or stay home....alone
xMRSlovett: Damn
xMRSlovett: Lol
xMRSlovett: Oh
xMRSlovett: I would hate that.
xMRSlovett: Brb
Lei: BRB
xtobias_ragg97: interview with a mod.
xtobias_ragg97: so lei is being a mod easy?
xtobias_ragg97: answers after the break.....
xtobias_ragg97: cheesy cheese roll
xtobias_ragg97: buy your cheesy cheese roll today and get a free chess set
xtobias_ragg97: that's right a free chess set
xtobias_ragg97: ....we're back with interview with a mod.
TheCinders: i want a cheesey cheese roll
xtobias_ragg97: is lei here yet
xtobias_ragg97: we can't start without a mod.
xtobias_ragg97: here leiy leiy lei
xtobias_ragg97: so lei are you ready
Lei: for what
xtobias_ragg97: the interview for my xsketch news
Lei: sorry, no, im trying to play a game here
xtobias_ragg97: when will i give an interview
xtobias_ragg97: when will i give an interview
xtobias_ragg97: or when will you be readyy
xtobias_ragg97: ready
ipostic: tobi is going crazy =)
Lei: brb
xtobias_ragg97: in stead lets watch the interview that i did of my ndn xmrslovett
xMRSlovett: Back
xMRSlovett: Um..
xMRSlovett: Wow, dude.. While I am thinking of it
xMRSlovett: Ricky... jump on youtube and type in 'LOUDnessBABIE' and scrossdowmn to the Mysterious Ticking Noise
xtobias_ragg97: yeah
TheCinders: you can call me nannerpus nannerpus, and oyu know, i like pancakes ♫
xMRSlovett: It's mine and my friends winning performance in our schools talent quest yesterday
xMRSlovett: I had to laugh when we won.. You'll se why when you watch it.
TheCinders: i want bananas and pancakes now
xtobias_ragg97: the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxi6TCi4ZWk
xMRSlovett: Yep.
xMRSlovett: Watch it
xMRSlovett: I g2g
xMRSlovett: Cya x
xtobias_ragg97: so an interview with cinny
xtobias_ragg97: ?
xtobias_ragg97: after the break
TheCinders: .
xtobias_ragg97: the cheesy cheese roll promotion was so popular that
xtobias_ragg97: we picked a random buyer
xtobias_ragg97: and they win the cheese for a year prize
xtobias_ragg97: the winner is TheCinders
TheCinders: yaaay
xtobias_ragg97: you have 1 minute to collect your prize
xtobias_ragg97: ...we're back at xsketch news central
xtobias_ragg97: with our interview of the now winner of the cheesy cheese roll promoition
xtobias_ragg97: would the cinders collect the promo.
xtobias_ragg97 wrote
at 5:10 AM, Friday February 27, 2009 EST
someone review me please?
xtobias_ragg97 wrote
at 4:53 AM, Friday February 27, 2009 EST
i can't review myself :(
xtobias_ragg97 wrote
at 11:35 PM, Sunday February 15, 2009 EST
i turnt 12 ten days ago
yay yay yay yay
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