Level 85
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The mentioning about the permaban was always meant to scare you a bit. It was never clear enough to me that this was a ridicule of veta's childish behavior, in fact my first impression was more that it glorified his pathetic trolling. Nonetheless, the ban was probably too severe so I apologize for that. I am going to clarify my point of view on what I will allow and what not for people impersonating (permabanned) accounts so I will update my advisorblog. If you really meant well, you couldn't have know you crossed the line. +changeAvatar +chat +play +post +re-register jurgen 3:13 PM, Wednesday September 7, 2011 EDT
since you claim to be the real veta, join the permaban -changeAvatar -chat -play -post -re-register jurgen 5:08 PM, Friday September 2, 2011 EDT
OK, so this ban was just a joke but please no reporting people for fun either. Some days I might just ban these actions. But thx for checking this way if Honda would ban stuff like this :P +changeAvatar +chat +play +post jurgen 3:47 PM, Wednesday July 27, 2011 EDT
This ban is silly but so is you trying to frame someone on an alt. In fact it's worse. So let's use this as an example shall we? 1 day ban on main, 1 month ban on alt -changeAvatar -chat -play -post jurgen 3:27 PM, Wednesday July 27, 2011 EDT

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Bastard PGA player and doesent respects flags be carefull
erkan73 on Wednesday October 21, 2009
fair player, doesn't allow any BS on the playing field
blitzkrieg2011 on Wednesday July 29, 2009
dont respect flags dom eater and backstabber dont trust this guy!!!!!!!!!
SjeikyElMotmans on Monday July 13, 2009
Wins fairly.
karantän on Saturday July 11, 2009
Dont respect flager and attacked flager to you only
phantom_jerk on Friday June 26, 2009
pga with darryl worely
rapeasaurus on Thursday June 25, 2009
Doesn't respect flags
ArrowLance on Monday June 15, 2009
not respecting flags! Asshole noob! Not fair, and PGA idiot!
Gravo on Tuesday June 9, 2009
doesnt respect flags....big loser
leo-the-great on Saturday June 6, 2009
dont respect any flag
Henrik on Friday June 5, 2009
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