Level 78
to level 79


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http://www.gpokr.com/discussion/topics/44793190 -chat -post These cards suck 12:46 AM, Monday January 18, 2010 EST

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dnaa on Thursday July 14, 2016
used to be a major shithead, but has improved his manners and sportsmanship. nice guy to play with
rhaki el tigre on Wednesday June 8, 2016
kind player
dr.rd on Saturday April 23, 2016
unbelievable stupid :D
schnomie on Sunday April 17, 2016
PGA WITH PANPIL! No Honorable Player.
CWGHuanson on Friday March 25, 2016
PerfectI on Saturday March 12, 2016
total ass
avesano on Sunday January 10, 2016
Commented on me: don t trust spiteful prick gtoo on Sunday January 3, 2016 Just to be fair then, gtoo is the kind of player who truces you and then stabs you as soon things dont turn out for him. He's the kind of player that will play for 2nd on a 0table. He's the kind of player that will screw anyone's game for that 25 points. When I asked him why screw someone and play for 25 points he said "why not"? And when I said I'll fight him for free out of spite, he throws a tantrum... and loses. tl;dr: gtoo is a prick and some1 to pge from the very beginning.
generalissimus S on Sunday January 3, 2016
plays only an unfair game
Tippy G on Saturday December 19, 2015
horrible play on 5k
Secret Powers on Saturday November 21, 2015
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