Level 63
to level 64

Die Schraube

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backstabs hard, dont trust
Twiggy6 on Friday April 20, 2012
respected flag
eurasianbro on Monday April 16, 2012
For unknown reasons this total waste of carbon is running around ruining basically my games on any given occasion. Knowing that I'll do the same and hope your internet connections breaks as often as possible. You are an exceptionally bad player and character.
Louis Cypher on Wednesday April 11, 2012
early flagger, horrible player!
Julo_ on Thursday March 29, 2012
last to comments say it all
blackrobber on Monday March 26, 2012
a bitch, not respect flags!
tty_csu on Tuesday March 13, 2012
real asshole, like agressive dumm bastard
3lefant on Friday February 3, 2012
early flagger
kevinkdice on Friday February 3, 2012
Farmer.İ said flag and can i go out, he said yes.İ took 3 lands from him but he took 6 lands... i said stop that ! but he keep atacking.
dogiscan on Sunday January 22, 2012
Jumboo on Sunday January 1, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary