Level 31
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Naughty is as Naughtarius does
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CheezeMonkey on Thursday August 12, 2010
does not accept flags! kinda asshole style of playing
F!rebird on Tuesday August 10, 2010
Had a good game against naughtarius right now. He has a hard style of play but makes no excuses to himself or others around him. He lost simply because he won't flag while others whimper "flag" at the first sign of an encroaching 5 stack. Thanks.
ScotsLaw on Thursday August 5, 2010
Has a joyless and obsessive style of play -- if he cannot beat you, will try to ruin your game.
NoSpuhforyou on Monday July 19, 2010
hahahaahahahahhahahahahahahah dude you are such a loser.
carlstruthers31 on Tuesday July 6, 2010
full asshole. no respekt the flags!
Ivailo Milchev on Monday July 5, 2010
Spiteful wretch. Sad person.
Antikythera on Wednesday June 30, 2010
Wiped out a flagged player to give moggi1234 2nd
bodo75 on Saturday June 12, 2010
doesn't accept flags
jonathon j on Thursday June 3, 2010
doesn't accept flags, is a backstabber... just kill him off if you see him. he deserves it
Das_Pithlit on Friday May 21, 2010
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