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Naughty is as Naughtarius does
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sucker who won't accept flags; bitter old man playing stupid games with kids on the internet
luckster on Sunday November 21, 2010
HAHAHA- the prick wrote this: The name of the game is "Kdice", not "Knice" Calling me names isn't going to change the fact that I pissed you off enough over a game that I got in your head, get over it and grow up... I don't do verbal flags, I won't give them nor accept them; I've been screwed over too many times for that... so don't take it personally if I don't trust you, I just don't trust anyone. Yes I'm a smartass, but i enjoy playing this game, sometimes part of that enjoyment is watching some tool lose his cool while I ruin his game *shrugs* deal with it. I *shrug* so the feeble minded have something to ask about... I also don't have time to counter every "Jeff, Dick, and Harry" that posts some assinine misspelled shit on my review wall, claiming me to be a "cyberbully" while constantly writing nonsensical stalker crap here... that person should just learn to eat a giant bag of dick... and I find it amusing that you have nothing better to do with your lives than try to stay on top of my reviews... grow up As for the name calling... I only return whats given, so little whining losers like chrishutch can also eat a giant bag of dick and lidrevan is a lying sack of shit Naughtarius on Saturday November 13, 2010 what an idiot.
ipoloroid on Sunday November 14, 2010
Ignored flag. Too cool for them apparently, once he's winning.
Jeremy Wright on Friday November 12, 2010
Extremely rude.
Djangoo on Sunday October 31, 2010
good player
lidrevan on Friday October 22, 2010
doesnt respect flags, then calls you names, then attacks you after flagging
chrishutch on Wednesday October 20, 2010
Naughtarius: You called me a "slave" and played a rotten game. Of course I knocked you out!
GraceW on Tuesday October 12, 2010
got upset with me apparently because I swore.
hothercule on Tuesday October 12, 2010
needs an adjustment to his skull. like my fist surgically removed from his cranium.
gen. sherman on Wednesday October 6, 2010
no respect for flags but from one player. (PGA?) "OviloN: flag teal Naughtarius: no flags, there can be only one ". piece of shit. OviloN on Sunday October 3, 2010
OviloN on Wednesday October 6, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary