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« First ‹ Previous Replies 21 - 30 of 83 Next › Last »
ashk wrote
at 11:41 PM, Thursday June 25, 2009 EDT
it was a pleasure knowing you too QC.. take care and have LOADS of fun in life :) hugs
lovelypoppet wrote
at 10:24 PM, Thursday June 25, 2009 EDT
waaaaaat? your going???
purpleviolin wrote
at 6:46 AM, Monday June 22, 2009 EDT
QC i didn't know you were leaving for good :'( i really hope you come back and visit sometimes! You're a great player and a wonderful mod, you make me feel welcome whenever i come here. I can't believe you're leaving :(
If you're definitely not coming back, i wish you all the best in everything you do and good luck! i love you QC! you are one of the nicest people i've ever met. i'll miss you dearly :'(
Hails5 wrote
at 9:46 PM, Saturday June 20, 2009 EDT
My final message:
Quickcut you were there for everyone, friendly and always usually happy. We love you here and I and I'm sure many others want you to come back, please Quickcut. I have told people of how close they are to me. I don't want to lose you. But if this is the case, just know that you will never be forgotten. You will be always in my memory.
Gurgi wrote
at 1:31 AM, Saturday June 20, 2009 EDT
sorry QC...i have this weird obsession with my profile >< its one of my fatal flaws
RoaringLamb wrote
at 1:52 AM, Thursday June 18, 2009 EDT
goodbye? :'(
sunu wrote
at 9:49 AM, Wednesday June 17, 2009 EDT
u never even said goodbye:( plz come back
Gurgi wrote
at 10:49 AM, Monday June 15, 2009 EDT
sportsfanatic wrote
at 9:07 AM, Monday June 15, 2009 EDT
i was really upset to hear u were going..and guess what im going as well..bye!it was gr8 knowing and playing with you..all the best :D
quickcut wrote
at 11:49 PM, Sunday June 14, 2009 EDT
Goodbye all :)
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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