Level 56
to level 57 |
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OviloN on Friday January 15, 2010 Immature.
Brett4 on Thursday January 7, 2010 Do not trust this player very shitty.
TheBetterYodel on Monday January 4, 2010 fair player, nice to play with
xplorer on Tuesday December 1, 2009 make his own rules,doesnt matter whether you flaged him
themind on Thursday October 22, 2009 not very polite ;)
Anivel on Thursday September 10, 2009 kept his flag to me even though he could get 1st
mkl1525 on Friday September 4, 2009 I earned my place. fedo sat doing fuck all shit after losing all his territories in round 2. If he knew the game he should have flagged out then. I earn my places, I don't steal them like him.
Out2gettheKDicks on Wednesday August 26, 2009 Easily angry, but great luck. :-)
lllllIIIII on Wednesday August 19, 2009 backstabbing bastard
Louis Cypher on Thursday August 13, 2009 |