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Recognized on 2:46 AM, Wednesday December 10, 2014 EST by BigDaddyKane
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Time has been served. If the rudeness continues the -chat punishment will be for much longer than a week. +chat +post holyharlequin 7:01 PM, Saturday March 20, 2010 EDT
Extremely rude and condescending player. Once week ban on chat. -chat -post Vermont 8:35 PM, Wednesday March 10, 2010 EST

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« First ‹ Previous Reviews 301 - 310 of 554 Next › Last »

mzsombor on Friday July 8, 2011
he's a backstabber,attacked at least 2 ppl that had already flagged him for no reason
aplantahs on Sunday June 26, 2011
PGA with Kutlulos Drucifer85: bye teal bluff or not?: you wont win yellow the pga build too much Drucifer85: lmao Kutlulos: dude stfu oakcliff: i know--i'm watching tv Kutlulos: probably kiddy porn.. bluff or not?: lol mad cuz people know u pga Drucifer85: nope, laughing at idiocy Kutlulos: yup oakcliff: be sure to leave a review--cut and paste the chat Kutlulos: lol Kutlulos: you go girls bluff or not?: green has been baned for being rude Kutlulos: couldn't care less Drucifer85: Yup. So fuck off bitch :) oakcliff: we know, we know oakcliff: there are many of you web boys on KDice
bluff or not? on Sunday June 26, 2011
PGA with allasteinn
Andrew Dice K on Thursday June 16, 2011
ball sucking fag
Adam_ on Saturday June 4, 2011
KrazyIvan on Friday May 27, 2011
2011-01-11 Drucifer85 gives up? Already? Here is the chat from a game within an hour of the first chat posted. ............... oakcliff: drucifer85 gives up? [Drucifer85 wasn't putting anything in chat.]............... oakcliff: who would have thunk it............... oakcliff: maybe his web boy phase passed quickly............... Vaginal Worms: lol or maybe his dog anal fetish spiralled out of control............... Drucifer85: lol [Drucifer85 wakes up and posts to chat when I fail in my attack on him with something like 5v4 or 5v3.]............... Vaginal Worms: just want 6th............... oakcliff: drucifer is alive!............... Vaginal Worms: and more perverted than ever before............... oakcliff: his silence is so weird--just a little while ago he was ranting and raving............... Vaginal Worms: about dog fucking?............... oakcliff: drucifer? are you there? speak up............... Vaginal Worms: flag reddy red [Drucifer85 is reddy red.]............... oakcliff: the last stuff of yours was pretty sad for a web boy............... Drucifer85: Fuck yourself with vaginal worms, yell............... Vaginal Worms: teal dude i flagged............... oakcliff: he speaks!............... Vaginal Worms: at least the dog fucker took oakcliff out first............... Drucifer85: flag brown............... Vaginal Worms: reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetard............... kokrates: ok red............... Drucifer85: ty............... oakcliff: okay, ready for more drucifer............... oakcliff: what you got?............... Vaginal Worms: lets pursue him............... kokrates: ok teal............... ChaosSlug: yo............... kokrates: hmm............... kokrates: i'll take second............... Drucifer85: don't flag............... Butters?: yo yo............... ChaosSlug: k............... Drucifer85: whatev, 3rd up............... oakcliff: call brown a name, drucifer............... oakcliff: booooo............... oakcliff: pitiful............... oakcliff: nothing............... Butters?: fight for 3rd?............... oakcliff: what a fail............... oakcliff: i'll go with what little you gave us............... kokrates: dude i had to flag............... oakcliff: say something worth posting............... oakcliff: the last stuff of yours was pretty sad for a web boy ++++++++++ I know web boys are mentally limited, but Drucifer85 is making even web boys look bad--he barely raved at all this game. ++++++++++ 2011-01-11 Drucifer85 and Kutlulos speak! Drucifer85 is green; Kutlulos is red; bluff or not? was teal; I, oakcliff, am yellow. ............... Kutlulos: nice reviews drucifer :)............... Drucifer85: I know right............... bluff or not?: pga won............... Kutlulos: lol............... Kutlulos: flag green............... Kutlulos: gg............... Drucifer85: ty............... Drucifer85: well tried clearing up the islands, lol............... Kutlulos: np............... Drucifer85: there go............... Kutlulos: thnx............... Drucifer85: bye teal............... bluff or not?: you wont win yellow the pga build too much............... Drucifer85: lmao............... Kutlulos: dude stfu............... oakcliff: i know--i'm watching tv............... Kutlulos: probably kiddy porn.. ............... bluff or not?: lol mad cuz people know u pga............... Drucifer85: nope, laughing at idiocy............... Kutlulos: yup............... oakcliff: be sure to leave a review--cut and paste the chat............... Kutlulos: lol............... Kutlulos: you go girls............... bluff or not?: green has been baned for being rude............... Kutlulos: couldn't care less............... ##########Drucifer85: Yup. So fuck off bitch :)............... oakcliff: we know, we know oakcliff: there are many of you web boys on KDice............... Drucifer85: Only the most pathetic people claim PGA................ oakcliff: you are nothing new or special............... Drucifer85: He flagged when I had him outstacked................ oakcliff: just the regular trash we have to live with............... Kutlulos: only the people who are too stupid to play claim pga*............... Drucifer85: Lol............... oakcliff: you may or may not be pga--i don't know............... Kutlulos: we're definitly not............... bluff or not?: lol check tehre reveiws............... bluff or not?: there*............... oakcliff: but pga isn't the only way to ruin kdice for others............... Drucifer85: Their*............... bluff or not?: both have people calling them pga............... Kutlulos: go cry to your mom............... ##########Kutlulos: caus i really don't give a fuck............... bluff or not?: naa u go cry to her............... Drucifer85: I called you a bitch. It must be true............... oakcliff: be sure to leave a review with the chat............... bluff or not?: i did............... Kutlulos: want some more words to copy past?............... bluff or not?: i always leave reveiws =)............... ##########Drucifer85: Copy and paste my dick in your mouth............... Kutlulos: word!............... oakcliff: anything else?............... oakcliff: got more?............... oakcliff: or is that it?............... Drucifer85: Yep............... bluff or not?: lol just becuase you like men dosent mean i do............... oakcliff: worried about a ban............... oakcliff: ?............... Drucifer85: No............... Kutlulos: not at all............... oakcliff: good! keep it coming then............... Kutlulos: unlike you kdice isn't my life............... ##########Drucifer85: People as pathetic as you are fucking retarded little cry babies ##########Drucifer85: Whine more, pussy cunt............... oakcliff: more!............... Drucifer85 has left [That is all Drucifer85 had? Pathetic even for a web boy.]............... oakcliff: keep going!............... oakcliff: come on!............... oakcliff: what you got?............... oakcliff: nothing?............... Kutlulos: hahaha:D............... Kutlulos: you made my day............... Kutlulos: really............... Kutlulos: funny............... oakcliff: and you made mine!............... oakcliff: thanks!............... Kutlulos: np............... Kutlulos: yw............... oakcliff: that's it?............... oakcliff: you done?............... Kutlulos: dude.. ............... oakcliff: kutlulos stopped short of fulfillment............... oakcliff: dude--finish me off............... Kutlulos: got nothing else to do?............... oakcliff: and wipe me up............... Kutlulos: why the fuck would i.. ............... oakcliff: you like it!............... oakcliff: it IS you............... Kutlulos: I'm not going to disturb you're pleasure.. ............... Kutlulos: I'm out............... Kutlulos: peace!............... oakcliff: of course............... oakcliff: pathetic ++++++++++ Even by the low standards of the other web boys, Drucifer85 and Kutlulos are pathetic. That was the worst web boy speak I've seen in the last three months.
oakcliff on Tuesday January 11, 2011
haha couldnt have put it better myself, a cancer of the human race. Despite this, he still seems to believe he's better than everyone else
Daedalus724 on Monday January 10, 2011
Do NOT trust will back stab everytime
Oxymoron on Sunday January 9, 2011
Pga with Ivan Nizgoraev, there was no flag between, them , no communication at all during the game, but seemed to work perfectly well without interfering with each other
kamakazi93 on Sunday January 9, 2011
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary