Level 41
to level 42

Jeff Lebowski

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Openly does not respect flags and will stab you in the back at first opportunity, very frustrating!
ows on Tuesday January 19, 2010
good fair player
Nenzar on Thursday January 7, 2010
Another Ass who has to show that he knows a lot of four letter words. He is the kind that makes the game no fun to play. Good luck Jeff.
TekManiac on Thursday January 7, 2010
fair player!
longray on Wednesday December 16, 2009
honorable player, respects flags even tho he could have taken 1st!
Maggz on Monday December 14, 2009
Very fair player, kdice needs more of these!
Brewer480 on Sunday December 13, 2009
he is fucking passion Scott ...... total nerd! lol
/OrBiT/ on Friday December 11, 2009
Good to have at your table. An honorable player, all the way.
jsh on Friday December 11, 2009
major faggot, will try to get you to fuck him in the ass, does not respect flags and uses pga's
TheJackalOfDoom on Saturday November 28, 2009
wow. i like the way u move :)
Monsanto on Wednesday November 25, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
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