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Plays two accounts and PGA's CHEATER
Blue@Heart on Saturday April 10, 2010
mtawnick on Saturday April 3, 2010
tastatur wiedergefunden oder was? die nummer die du abgezogen hast ging garnicht
DaDonDave on Friday January 8, 2010
titus2003 + entzieg + urkul = PGA
PhilMacCoy on Wednesday January 6, 2010
soooo stupid
tommyHH on Saturday January 2, 2010
claims he doesnt see the the flags, and starts then farming players flagged under him for dom
kekse on Wednesday December 30, 2009
greedy fuck. cant wait for more than 2 rounds to let us fight for 2nd/3rd because he "needs" domination while we're flagged.
Gaaiz on Tuesday December 29, 2009
funny gay. he wants to badmouth you the whole game. a poor whiner with no plan of the game. after he lose vs you (and he lose a lot :-) he`ll follow for 2 hours and badmouth you. its sad to be alone at christmas. get friends. noob
cinzano on Tuesday December 22, 2009
he is an anus that walks among us.
nyos on Saturday December 19, 2009
good player... I like him.
scarp8 on Thursday December 17, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary