
of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most
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stupidcheeseboy wrote
at 6:28 PM, Thursday February 17, 2011 EST
Yep ;D
purpleviolin wrote
at 7:34 PM, Thursday December 31, 2009 EST
Jilly! :D Have a very happy new year, and I hope all your new years resolutions are fulfilled! Thanks for being super awesome and lovely this year, and it's been wonderful being able to sketch with you! All the best for 2010, and take care!
blackeyedparrot wrote
at 1:14 PM, Sunday December 27, 2009 EST

blackeyedparrot wrote:
^_^ Jilly!!! Merry (belated) Christmas to you too! ...so you reeeeally are in AUSTRALIA???.. WOW! Lucky you!
purpleviolin wrote
at 12:04 AM, Saturday December 26, 2009 EST
I hope you had a lovely christmas jilly :) Have an awesome new year tooooo! It's been awesome sketching with you this year :D Take care lovely!
PM325 wrote
at 1:12 AM, Friday December 25, 2009 EST
Merry Christmas Jilly. It might already be past Christmas in the future (your time zone.) Hope I didn't miss it :)
TayBren13 wrote
at 6:10 PM, Tuesday December 22, 2009 EST
Hi Jilly, Just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :)
Hails5 wrote
at 6:41 PM, Wednesday December 16, 2009 EST
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Have a good one!
Hails5 wrote
at 12:20 AM, Tuesday December 15, 2009 EST
hails5@aanet.com.au. collecting emails from best friends. um, but also i dont see you much and i really want to keep in touch easier.
stupidcheeseboy wrote
at 5:21 PM, Wednesday September 2, 2009 EDT
WOOOHOOO! WOO WOO HOO! Blue medal! Blue medal! And we love you! Yes we love you! (In cheerleaderlike tones) *Shakes pom poms* * does the splits* *Goes and sits down in a darkened room*
TayBren13 wrote
at 3:58 PM, Wednesday September 2, 2009 EDT
Miss Jilly, Congrats on that blue medal. Thank you so much for all the games and I hope we get the chance to play many more :)
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